Michael C. Rotkowitz , Dipankar Maity , Van Sy Mai , Bhaskar Ramasubramanian
SIAM Conf. on Control and its Applications 123 -130
Panagiotis Tsiotras , Dipankar Maity
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1 -1
Panagiotis Tsiotras , Dipankar Maity , Daniel T. Larsson
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36 ( 6) 1669 -1685
John S. Baras , Yuchen Zhou , Dipankar Maity
european control conference 759 -764
Panagiotis Tsiotras , Dipankar Maity , Daniel T. Larsson
arXiv: Robotics
John S. Baras , Dipankar Maity
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 ( 2) 2201 -2207
Dipankar Maity , Mohammad H. Mamduhi , John S. Baras , Sandra Hirche
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 1 -1
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
international workshop on discrete event systems 211 -216
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 ( 1) 8957 -8962
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 3767 -3772
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
conference on decision and control 276 -282
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
international conference on event based control communication and signal processing 1 -8
Dipankar Maity , Achilleas Anastasopoulos , John S. Baras
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 6223 -6228
Lars Lindemann , Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras , Dimos V. Dimarogonas
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 146 -151
Swagatam Das , Rammohan Mallipeddi , Dipankar Maity
Swarm and evolutionary computation 9 58 -68
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
mediterranean conference on control and automation 940 -946
Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
mediterranean conference on control and automation 117 -122
Dipankar Maity , Udit Halder , Swagatam Das ,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 40 361 -380
Yuchen Zhou , Dipankar Maity , John S. Baras
2016 European Control Conference (ECC) 690 -695