Shiquan Tao , Jiabi Chen , Bo Wang , Geoffrey W. Burr
Journal of Modern Optics 51 ( 8) 1115 -1122
Irem Boybat , Yusuf Leblebici , Geoffrey W. Burr , Carmelo Di Nolfo
Proceedings of the European Symposium on Phase Change and Ovonic Science 2015
Geoffrey W. Burr , Kailash Gopalakrishnan
Hans Coufal , Geoffrey W. Burr , Mark Jurich , C. Michael Jefferson
conference on lasers and electro-optics
Irem Boybat , Geoffrey W. Burr , Carmelo di Nolfo , Pritish Narayanan
European Phase-Change and Ovonic Symposium (E\PCOS)
Irem Boybat , Geoffrey W. Burr , Carmelo di Nolfo , Robert M. Shelby
Electronic Materials Conference (EMC)
Geoffrey W. Burr
Geoffrey W Burr , Matthew J Breitwisch , Michele Franceschini , Davide Garetto
arXiv: Materials Science
Boris Murmann , Geoffrey W. Burr , Marian Verhelst , Rangharajan Venkatesan
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 1 -1
Nicolas Bonod , Sebastien Bidault , Geoffrey W. Burr , Mathieu Mivelle
european quantum electronics conference
Maria Sanz-Paz , Maria F. Garcia-Parajo , Sebastien Bidault , Mathieu Mivelle
european quantum electronics conference
Yi-Chou Chen , Yuyu Lin , Shih-Hung Chen , Huai-Yu Cheng
international conference on solid-state and integrated circuits technology 909 -912
Geoffrey W. Burr
Nature Machine Intelligence 1 ( 1) 10 -11
Stefano Ambrogio , Pritish Narayanan , Hsinyu Tsai , Charles Mackin
international symposium on vlsi technology, systems, and applications
Simone Raoux , Charles T. Rettner , Yi-Chou Chen , Geoffrey W. Burr
Mrs Bulletin 33 ( 9) 847 -853
Mirco Imlau , Martin Fally , Geoffrey W. Burr , Glenn T. Sincerbox
Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics 1519 -1568
Pritish Narayanan , Geoffrey W. Burr , Kumar Virwani , Bulent Kurdi
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 6 ( 3) 330 -338
Geoffrey W. Burr , Matthew J. BrightSky , Abu Sebastian , Huai-Yu Cheng
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 6 ( 2) 146 -162
Massimo Giordano , Giorgio Cristiano , Koji Ishibashi , Stefano Ambrogio
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 9 ( 2) 367 -376
Fai H. Mok , Demetri Psaltis , Geoffrey W. Burr
Very Large Optical Memories: Materials and System Architectures 1773 334 -345