Rudolf Eigenmann WilliamBlume , Keith Faigin , John Grout , Jay Hoeinger
Hao Yu , L Rauchwerger
Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Compiler Construction, Berlin, Germany
M Adams , N Amato , P Nelson , L Rauchwerger
Report to the Department of Energy, Texas A&M University, College Station
William Blume , Ramon Doallo , Rudolf Eigenmann , John Grout
IEEE Computer 29 ( 12) 78 -82
W Blume , R Doallo , R Eigenmann , J Grout
Dec 78 -82
H Yu , L Rauchwerger
Conf. on Supercomputing 66 -77
Y Zhang , M Prvulovic , MJ Garzarán , L Rauchwerger
Tech. Rep. CSRD-1582, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Jula , L Rauchwerger
Proc. of the 19-th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), New Orleans, Louisiana 15
H Yu , L Rauchwerger
Tech. Rept. TR99-025, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University
W Hendrickson , S Plimpton , L Rauchwerger
Proceedings of the 10th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Sci. Comput
Lawrence Rauchwerger Vinals , Josep Torrellas
High Performance Memory Systems 181 -181
V ctor Viñals , Lawrence Rauchwergerx , Josep Torrellasy
Lawrence Rauchwerger
parallel computing 1901 -1912
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Silvius Rus
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Nancy M. Amato , Marvin L. Adams , Paul Nelson
Lawrence Rauchwerger , William Mclendon
Texas A & M University
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Steve Plimpton , Will McLendon , Bruce Hendrickson
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Cosmin E. Oancea
symposium on code generation and optimization 213 -224
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Dongmin Zhang , Silvius Rus
international conference on parallel architectures and compilation techniques 243 -254
Lawrence Rauchwerger , Dongmin Zhang , Hao Yu
international conference on parallel architectures and compilation techniques 278 -289