Lorrie Faith Cranor , Timothy Passaro , Patrick Gage Kelley , Timothy Vidas
usenix security symposium 5 -5
Steven Garcia , Yin Yang , Patrick Gage Kelley
graphics interface 81 -88
Norman M. Sadeh , Michael Benisch , Patrick Gage Kelley , Ramprasad Ravichandran
privacy enhancing technologies 1 -18
Patrick Gage Kelley , Michelle L. Mazurek , Wei Bai , Yichen Qian
symposium on usable privacy and security 113 -130
Lorrie Faith Cranor , Timothy Passaro , Patrick Gage Kelley , Timothy Vidas
;login:: the magazine of USENIX & SAGE 37 ( 6) 51 -57
Elie Bursztein , Dan Boneh , Luca Invernizzi , Ananth Raghunathan
usenix security symposium 1556 -1571
Kurt Thomas , Devdatta Akhawe , Michael Bailey , Dan Boneh
ieee symposium on security and privacy
Patrick Gage Kelley , Yongwei Yang , Courtney Heldreth , Christopher Moessner
arXiv: Computers and Society
Patrick Gage Kelley , Sunny Consolvo , Lorrie Faith Cranor , Jaeyeon Jung
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 68 -79
Patrick Gage Kelley , Michelle L. Mazurek , Wei Bai , Doowon Kim
IEEE Internet Computing 21 ( 3) 30 -38
Michelle L. Mazurek , Saranga Komanduri , Timothy Vidas , Lujo Bauer
computer and communications security 173 -186
Xiao Sophia Wang , David Choffnes , Patrick Gage Kelley , Ben Greenstein
acm special interest group on data communication 55 -60
Michael Benisch , Patrick Gage Kelley , Norman Sadeh , Lorrie Faith Cranor
ubiquitous computing 15 ( 7) 679 -694
Patrick Gage Kelley , Paul Hankes Drielsma , Norman Sadeh , Lorrie Faith Cranor
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Workshop on AISec - AISec '08 11 -18
Robert W. Reeder , Patrick Gage Kelley , Aleecia M. McDonald , Lorrie Faith Cranor
Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic society - WPES '08 45 -54
Manya Sleeper , Justin Cranshaw , Patrick Gage Kelley , Blase Ur
human factors in computing systems 3277 -3286
Patrick Gage Kelley , Lorrie Faith Cranor , Norman Sadeh
human factors in computing systems 3393 -3402
April Suknot , Timothy Chavez , Nathan Rackley , Patrick Gage Kelley
annual symposium on computer human interaction in play 383 -386
Richard Shay , Saranga Komanduri , Patrick Gage Kelley , Pedro Giovanni Leon
symposium on usable privacy and security 2
Michael Benisch , Patrick Gage Kelley , Norman Sadeh , Tuomas Sandholm
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security - SOUPS '09 22