Tamara Munzner , Kristian Hildebrand , James Slack , Katherine St. John
german conference on bioinformatics 37 -41
Tamara Munzner , Kristian Hildebrand , James Slack
Information Visualization 5 ( 2) 137 -151
Kristian Hildebrand
Kristian Hildebrand , Marcus A. Magnor , Bernd Fröhlich
international conference in central europe on computer graphics and visualization 14 113 -120
Jochen B. Fiebach , Ivana Galinovic , Vince I. Madai , Anja Hennemuth
Computers in Biology and Medicine 131 104254 -104254
Frank Steinicke , Kristian Hildebrand , Thereza Schmelter , Marc Aurel Störmer
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 4 ( 1) 1 -16
Thereza Schmelter , Kristian Hildebrand
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 279 -280
Kristian Hildebrand , Bernd Bickel , Marc Alexa
Computer Graphics Forum 31 ( 2) 583 -592
Andreas Emmerling , Kristian Hildebrand , Jörg Hoffmann , Przemyslaw Musialski
discrete geometry for computer imagery 534 -543
Michelle Livne , Jana Rieger , Orhun Utku Aydin , Abdel Aziz Taha
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13 97
Kristian Hildebrand , Marc Alexa
international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 37
Marc Alexa , Kristian Hildebrand , Sylvain Lefebvre
ACM Transactions on Graphics 36 ( 1) 12
Mathias Eitz , Kristian Hildebrand , Tamy Boubekeur , Marc Alexa
international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 5
Mathias Eitz , Kristian Hildebrand , Tamy Boubekeur , Marc Alexa
international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 60
Mathias Eitz , Kristian Hildebrand , Tamy Boubekeur , Marc Alexa
Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling - SBIM '09 29 -36
Jonas Pfeil , Kristian Hildebrand , Carsten Gremzow , Bernd Bickel
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Emerging Technologies on - SA '11 4
Thereza Schmelter , Sebastian Rings , Caspar Prasuhn , Joachim Villwock
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019 917 -920
Mathias Eitz , Kristian Hildebrand , Tamy Boubekeur , Marc Alexa
Computers & Graphics 34 ( 5) 482 -498
Tabea Kossen , Manuel A Hirzel , Vince I Madai , Franziska Boenisch
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 5 85
Pooja Subramaniam , Tabea Kossen , Kerstin Ritter , Anja Hennemuth
Medical Image Analysis 78 102396 -102396