Yifei Ma , Jeff G. Schneider , Roman Garnett
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 595 -603
Steven Reece , Michael Osborne , Stephen Roberts , Roman Garnett
arXiv: Machine Learning
Kilian Weinberger , Matt Kusner , Jacob Gardner , Roman Garnett
international conference on machine learning 918 -927
Nando De Freitas , Michael A. Osborne , Roman Garnett , Kevin Swersky
national conference on artificial intelligence 349 -355
Yifei Ma , Jeff G. Schneider , Roman Garnett
arXiv: Learning
Shirley Ho , Jeff Schneider , Roman Garnett
international conference on machine learning 1025 -1033
Richard P. Mann , Richard P. Mann , Roman Garnett
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 ( 106) 20150037
Yifei Ma , Jeff Schneider , Roman Garnett
neural information processing systems 26 2751 -2759
Yamuna Krishnamurthy , Richard Mann , Jeff G. Schneider , Roman Garnett
international conference on machine learning 843 -850
Philipp Hennig , Tom Gunter , Michael A Osborne , Stephen J Roberts
neural information processing systems 27 2789 -2797
Yifei Ma , Jeff G. Schneider , Roman Garnett , Danica J. Sutherland
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 672 -680
Kristian Kersting , Roman Garnett , Marion Neumann
asian conference on machine learning 357 -372
Laura Antanas , Plinio Moreno , Kristian Kersting , Roman Garnett
mining and learning with graphs 0 -6
Kilian Q. Weinberger , Dennis Barbour , Gustavo Malkomes , John P. Cunningham
neural information processing systems 28 2386 -2394
Michael A. Osborne , Stephen J. Roberts , Roman Garnett , Suzanne Aigrain
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 832 -840
Martin Mladenov , Kristian Kersting , Roman Garnett , Martin Grohe
national conference on artificial intelligence 1904 -1910
Cynthia Lo , Roman Garnett , Shane Carr
international conference on machine learning 898 -907
Gustavo Malkomes , Roman Garnett , Charles Schaff
neural information processing systems 29 2892 -2900
Roman Garnett
Thomas Gärtner , Roman Garnett , Dino Oglic
national conference on artificial intelligence 2443 -2449