Constantinos Xenofontos , Christos E. Papadopoulos
International Journal for mathematics teaching and learning 16
Constantinos Xenofontos , Christos E Papadopoulos
CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 1766 -1772
Nikolaos C Kokkinos , Anastasia Lazaridou , Christos E Papadopoulos , N Nikolaou
Nikolaos C Kokkinos , Anastasia Lazaridou , Christos E Papadopoulos , N Nikolaou
International conference on chemical engineering (CET/CEN2011), Shanghai, China 28 -30
Nicholas Diel , Kaustubh Gadhari , Andrea Steiner , Steve DiBenedetto
Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Colorado State University
Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, July 23-27, 1990 99 337 -337
Alexander G. Tartakovsky , Christos Papadopoulos , Aleksey S. Polunchenko
Christos Papadopoulos , Guru Parulkar
Alexander Afanasyev , Junxiao Shi , Beichuan Zhang , Lixia Zhang
Christos Papadopoulos , Anant Shah , Romain Fontunge
arXiv: Networking and Internet Architecture
Ali Dehghantanha , Imran Ahmed , Christos Papadopoulos , M. Amine Chelihi
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
Manaf Gharaibeh , Han Zhang , Christos Papadopoulos , Spiros Thanasoulas
traffic monitoring and analysis
Kaustubh Gadkari , M. Lawrence Weikum , Dan Massey , Christos Papadopoulos
Computer Communications 84 52 -62
Alefiya Hussain , Genevieve Bartlett , Yuri Pryadkin , John Heidemann
acm special interest group on data communication 185 -190
Alefiya Hussain , John Heidemann , Christos Papadopoulos
Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications - SIGCOMM '03 99 -110
Steve DiBenedetto , Dan Massey , Christos Papadopoulos , Patrick J. Walsh
symposium on applications and the internet 157 -160
Christos Papadopoulos , Chris Kyriakakis , Alexander Sawchuk , Xinming He
visualization for computer security 90 -98
Vamsi Kambhampati , Christos Papadopoulos , Dan Massey
acs/ieee international conference on computer systems and applications 157 -164
Susmit Shannigrahi , Christos Papadopoulos , Edmund Yeh , Harvey Newman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 664 ( 5) 052033
Susmit Shannigrahi , Chengyu Fan , Christos Papadopoulos , Alex Feltus
conference on information-centric networking 204 -205