Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 17 ( 1) 47 -54
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Gilles Tondreau
In proceedings of ISMA2010
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze , Aurélie Progneaux , Philippe Bouillard
Proceedings ISMA 2010
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Gilles Tondreau
in Proceedings of ISMA2012
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 4359 335 -340
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Simon Chesne
Proceedings of the 10e Congrès français d'acoustique
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Stéphanie Staquet , Michela Crespini , Jérôme Carette
VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Framcos 8
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Walter Desmet , J. Mohring , L. de Oliveira
Proceedings of the ISMA 2006
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze , Sebastien Le Loch , D. Barthe
6th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics
André Preumont , Arnaud Deraemaeker
Proceedings of the DeMEASS
André Preumont , Arnaud Deraemaeker , S. Benelechi , Ayech Benjeddou
Proceedings of the III ECCOMAS thematic conference on Smart Structures and Materials
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Ivo Babuska , Philippe Bouillard
Quatrième Colloque National en Calcul des Structures 277 -282
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze , Philippe Leconte
International Conference on Structurql Dynamics Modelling
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Gilles Tondreau , Sudharsana Raman
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Houssein Nasser , Salim Belouettar , Sandra Hoffmann
International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization (OPTI 2014), Kos Island, Greece, June 4-6
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze , Sebastien Le Loch , D. Barthe
World Congress on Computational Mechanics
Arnaud Deraemaeker
Deptmt of Mechanical Engineering Seminar
Bruno de Marneffe , André Preumont , Arnaud Deraemaeker , Houssein Nasser
Actes du 8e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures
Arnaud Deraemaeker , Pierre Ladevèze , Aurélie Progneaux , Philippe Bouillard
ADMOS 2011
André Preumont , Arnaud Deraemaeker , Iulian Ilie Romanescu , Mohamed El Ouni
ISMA 2008