Bloedviscositeit en cardiovasculaire aandoeningen.

Verdonck P , Duprez Da , De Buyzere M , Clement Dl
Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 55 ( 4) 261 -267

Hufnagel procedure reconverted by endovascular leaflet dislocation and extirpation

Verdonck P , Van Nooten Gj , Taeymans Y
Journal of Heart Valve Disease 6 ( 5) 546 -549

Distortion of the stentless porcine valve induces accelerated leaflet fibrosis and calcification in juvenile sheep.

Herijgers P , Segers P , Flameng W , Ozaki S
Journal of Heart Valve Disease 8 ( 1) 34 -41

Carotid tonometry versus synthesized aorta pressure waves for the estimation of central systolic blood pressure and augmentation index

S Heireman , Ernst Rietzschel , Marc De Buyzere , Thierry Gillebert
Journal of Hypertension 23 285

A virtual product development strategy for minimally invasive medical devices

Benedict Verhegghe , Peter Mortier , Pascal Verdonck , Patrick Segers
Trends in biomaterials & artificial organs 24 ( 1) 19 -26

MEDische TECHnologie als motor voor innovatieve gezondheidszorg

E Vandamme , Bart De Moor , B Swaelens , Jos Vander Sloten
Klasse Technische Wetenschappen, standpunten 25

A geometrically accurate CFD model for a bileaflet heart valve

Kristiaan Riemslagh , Erik Dick , Pascal Verdonck , S Kelly
Proceedings ACOMEN '98, International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Gent, september 1998. Shaker Publishing, Maastricht

Accuracy of 4 Different Algorithms for the Analysis of Tomographic Radionuclide Ventriculography Using a Physical, Dynamic 4-Chamber Cardiac Phantom

Pieter De Bondt , Tom Claessens , Pascal Verdonck , Olivier De Winter
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46 ( 1) 165 -171

Integrated charactherisation of ventriculo-arterial coupling and compliance of large arteries using stand-alone acquisition of tonometric and echo doppler signals

B Haluska , T Marwick , T De Backer , Patrick Segers
Proceedings of World congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 1 -1

Tools to understand the pumping mechanism of embryonic hearts

Peter Van Ransbeeck , Pascal Verdonck , Frédéric Maes , Francis Deboeverie
4th International conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB 2009) 86 -86

Modelling the arterial input function for blood pool agents in dynamic contrast enhanced-MRI: concepts and validations for P792

Sunny Eloot , Pascal Verdonck , Dieter De Naeyer , Wim Ceelen
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering / 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering 22 324 -325

Embryonic hearts : how do they pump?

Peter Van Ransbeeck , Pascal Verdonck , Bill Chaudhry , Frédéric Maes
19th International conference of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society (CSDS 2010) 296 -296

A novel approach to patient-specific hexahedral meshing: hexahedral vs tetrahedral mesh requirements in coronary CFD

Benedict Verhegghe , Patrick Segers , Gianluca De Santis , Matthieu De Beule
17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2010)

Estimators for kinetic modeling of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic rensonance data from spoiled gradient echo pulse sequences

Pascal Verdonck , Dieter De Naeyer , Wim Ceelen , Patrick Segers
Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering, 9th, Abstracts

Realistic virtual radial strength testing of stents

Benedict Verhegghe , Patrick Segers , N Gotzen , F Backzewitz
Abaqus Benelux Users' Meeting, Abstract

Functional imaging on patient-specific lower airways using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Peter Van Ransbeeck , Tom Claessens , Pascal Verdonck , Cedric Van Holsbeke
Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering, 8th, Abstracts

Computational fluid dynamics as a predictive technique for the patient-specific success of mandibular repositioning appliances

Peter Van Ransbeeck , Tom Claessens , Pascal Verdonck , Cedric Van Holsbeke
6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010) 375 -375

Coupling Of Vascular MRI-velocity And CFD

Jan Vierendeels , Pascal Verdonck , J Westenberg , M Danilouchkine
WIT transactions on engineering sciences 36 33 -40

Flow analysis in patient specific lower airways using PIV

Peter Van Ransbeeck , Tom Claessens , Pascal Verdonck , Cedric Van Holsbeke
Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 15th International symposium, Proceedings

On-line hemodiafiltration with endogenous reinfusion (HFR) versus conventional on-line hemodiafiltration (HDF): Efficiency data

Sunny Eloot , Natalie Meert , I BECAUS , J BILLIOUW
Journal of The American Society of Nephrology 17 699