Yicheng Liao , xiongfei wang
Dongsheng Yang , Hong Gong , xiongfei wang
Yicheng Liao , xiongfei wang
Hongbo Zhao , Zhizhao Huang , Dipen Narendra Dalal , Jannick Kjær Jørgensen
Lennart Harnefors , Massimo Bongiorno , WANG Xiongfei
LIU Fangcheng , WANG Xiongfei , Teng Liu
LIU Fangcheng , WANG Xiongfei , Kai Xin
LUO Fan , XUE Chunji , ZHAO Xiaobo , HUANG Yongsen
Geoscience 30 ( 4) 723 -723
Frede Blaabjerg , Jun Bum Kwon , Claus Leth Bak , Xiongfei Wang
PCIM Europe 2015; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management; Proceedings of 1 -9
Frede Blaabjerg , Zhe Chen , Xiongfei Wang , Josep M. Guerrero
international symposium on power electronics for distributed generation systems 806 -812
Frede Blaabjerg , Marco Liserre , Claus Leth Bak , Xiongfei Wang
23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015
Frede Blaabjerg , Claus Leth Bak , Xiongfei Wang , Changwoo Yoon
23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015
Frede Blaabjerg , Zhe Chen , Xiongfei Wang , Josep M. Guerrero
International Journal of Power Electronics 12 ( 1) 181 -192
Mohammad Kazem Bakhshizadeh , Jesper Hjerrild , ŁH Kocewiak , F Blaabjerg
15th Wind Integration Workshop: International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants
Dianguo Xu , Xiongfei Wang , Qiang Gao , Jian Wu
Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao 36 ( 4) 1061 -1074
Philip Carne Kjær , Claus Leth Bak , Catalin Gabriel Dincan , Yu-Hsing Chen
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Xiongfei Wang , Heng Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 ( 8) 6473 -6482
Xiongfei Wang , Yipeng Song , Tao Xu , Feng Gao
european conference on power electronics and applications 8515552
Xiongfei Wang , Joachim Steinkohl
european conference on power electronics and applications 1 -10
Frede Blaabjerg , Xiongfei Wang , Donghua Pan , Hong Gong
european conference on power electronics and applications 1 -9