Mikael Johansson , Jörgen Malmborg , Anders Rantzer , Bo Bemhardsson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30 ( 7) 33 -38
Bo Bernhardsson , Bengt Lindoff
Bo Bernhardsson , Björn Wittenmark
Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology (LTH)
Bo Bernhardsson , Bo Lincoln
Proceedings CD of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems; (2000)
Bo Bernhardsson , Björn Wittenmark , Johan Nilsson
SNART 97, the Swedish Conference on Real-Time Systems, 1997
Fredrik Tufvesson , Anders Mannesson , Bo Bernhardsson , Muhammad Atif Yaqoob
international conference on systems signals and image processing 32 -35
Bo Bernhardsson , Peter Alriksson , Bengt Lindoff
Bo Bernhardsson , Karl-Erik Årzén , Lars Malcolm Pedersen , Magnus Gäfvert
Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems in Automotive Control; pp 289-319 (2003) 289 -319
Bo Bernhardsson , Jaak Peetre , Thomas Kühn , Fernando Cobos
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics & Mathematics; 55(3), pp 150-158 (2006) 55 ( 3) 150 -158
Bo Bernhardsson , Arne Simonsson , Bengt Lindoff
Bo Bernhardsson , Helene Panagopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 43 ( 9) 1285 -1285
Anders Rantzer , Bo Bernhardsson , Andrey Ghulchak , Erik Johannesson
19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2010
Bo Bernhardsson
Workshop on Approximation and Robustness in Systems and Control
Bo Bernhardsson , Sven Erik Mattsson , Erik Möllerstedt
Reglermöte 1998
Bo Bernhardsson
Technical Reports; TFRT
Bo Bernhardsson
Conference on Mathematics in the New Engineering Education
Bo Bernhardsson
Nordic Section of SIAM Meeting on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Bo Bernhardsson , Lars Hörmander
CTIT technical reports series
Bo Bernhardsson , Lars Hörmander
Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations and Applications; pp 179-194 (1993) 179 -194