Rachel Bartlett , Yi Xuan Khoo , Juan Pablo Hourcade , Kyle K. Rector
human factors in computing systems 191
Kyle Kasie Rector
Joshua Hailpern , Kyle Kasie Rector
Valentina I. Grigoreanu , Susan Wiedenbeck , Margaret Burnett , Jill Cao
Jodie M. Plumert , Joseph K. Kearney , Kyle Rector , Morgan N. Di Napoli Parr
human factors in computing systems
Laura Beckwith , Derek Inman , Kyle Rector , Margaret Burnett
symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing 119 -126
Joseph Lawrance , Rachel Bellamy , Margaret Bumett , Kyle Rector
symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing 57 -64
Valentina Grigoreanu , Jill Cao , Todd Kulesza , Christopher Bogart
symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing 149 -156
Jill Cao , Kyle Rector , Thomas H. Park , Scott D. Fleming
symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing 149 -156
Kyle Rector , Alexander Lauder , Peyton Keeling , Arien Cherones
international conference on pervasive computing 202 -205
Shiri Azenkot , Kyle Rector , Richard Ladner , Jacob Wobbrock
conference on computers and accessibility 159 -166
Evan Welbourne , Leilani Battle , Garret Cole , Kayla Gould
IEEE Internet Computing 13 ( 3) 48 -55
Kyle Rector , Richard Ladner , Michelle Shepardson
international symposium on open collaboration 219 -220
Kyle Rector , Roger Vilardaga , Leo Lansky , Kellie Lu
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 9 ( 4) 12
LouAnne E. Boyd , Kyle Rector , Halley Profita , Abigale J. Stangl
human factors in computing systems 6147 -6158
Kyle Rector , Keith Salmon , Dan Thornton , Neel Joshi
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 1 ( 3) 93
Marcia Y. Shade , Kyle Rector , Rasila Soumana , Kevin Kupzyk
Journal of Gerontological Nursing 46 ( 10) 27 -33
Kyle Rector
Interactions 24 ( 5) 68 -71
Marcia Shade , Kyle Rector , Kevin Kupzyk
Innovation in Aging 3
Marcia Shade , Rasila Soumana Hama , Kyle Rector , Kevin Kupzyk
Innovation in Aging 4 755 -755