Snehanshu Saha , Andres Ortiz
Mahesh Narayan , Rene Duran , Andres Ortiz , Vladik Kreinovich
Jacobo Dib , Mary Clavo , Dorys Suarez , María Cruz
Gen 61 ( 2) 123 -123
Anke Meyer-Baese , Andres Ortiz , Jorge Munilla , Uwe Meyer-Baese
Medical Imaging 2021: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging 11600
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio F. Diaz , Alberto Prieto
Journal of Software 2 ( 2) 11 -18
Dragi Kimovski , Julio Ortega , Andres Ortiz , Raul Banos
international conference on cluster computing 314 -322
Ana Maria Barbancho , Isabel Barbancho , Lorenzo J. Tardón , Alberto Peinado
EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Francisco J Martinez-Murcia , Juan M Górriz , Javier Ramírez , Andres Ortiz
International Journal of Neural Systems 26 ( 7) 1650024
Francisco J Martinez-Murcia , Juan M Górriz , Javier Ramírez , Andres Ortiz
International Journal of Neural Systems 28 ( 10) 1850035
Francisco J. Martinez-Murcia , Andres Ortiz , Juan Manuel Gorriz , Javier Ramirez
International Journal of Neural Systems 30 ( 7) 2050037
Diego Castillo-Barnes , Francisco J Martinez-Murcia , Andres Ortiz , Diego Salas-Gonzalez
International Journal of Neural Systems 30 ( 09) 2050044
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio F. Diaz , Alberto Prieto
parallel, distributed and network-based processing 253 -260
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio F. Diaz , Alberto Prieto
parallel, distributed and network-based processing 143 -150
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio F. Diaz , Alberto Prieto
parallel, distributed and network-based processing 478 -482
Ana M. Barbancho , Andres Ortiz , Isabel Barbancho , Alejandro Rosa-Pujazon
2013 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM) 400 -404
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio Diaz , Alberto Prieto
international conference on cluster computing 1 -9
Francisco Jesús Martinez-Murcia , Andres Ortiz , Juan Manuel Górriz , Javier Ramírez
international work-conference on the interplay between natural and artificial computation 324 -333
Fermín Segovia , Juan M Górriz , Javier Ramírez , Francisco J Martínez-Murcia
international work-conference on the interplay between natural and artificial computation 345 -352
Diego Castillo-Barnes , Li Su , Javier Ramírez , Diego Salas-Gonzalez
Information Fusion 58 153 -167
Andres Ortiz , Julio Ortega , Antonio F. Diaz , Alberto Prieto
distributed computing and artificial intelligence 462 -465