Rance Cleaveland , Insup Lee , Scott A. Smolka , Philip M. Lewis
software engineering and knowledge engineering 474 -479
I. V. Ramakrishnan , Abhik Roychoudhury , C. R. Ramakrishnan , Scott A. Smolka
TAPD 83 -88
Alessandro Giacalone , Arie Kaufman , Scott A Smolka , David S Warren
international conference on human computer interaction 451 -459
Insup Lee , Scott A. Smolka
Scott A. Smolka , Eugene W. Stark
Proof, language, and interaction 571 -595
Oleg Sokolsky , Y.S. Ramakrishna , Eugene W. Stark , Scott A. Smolka
数理解析研究所講究録 996 1 -4
Tommaso Bolognesi , Scott A. Smolka
Proceedings of the IFIP WG6.1 Seventh International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification VII 165 -179
Shipei Zhang , Scott A. Smolka
formal techniques for (networked and) distributed systems 121 -135
A. Ponse , J. A. Bergstra , Scott A. Smolka
Scott A Smolka ,
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Xiaowan Huang , Anu Singh , Scott A. Smolka
nasa formal methods 77 -86
Erez Zadok , Xiaowan Huang , Sean Callanan , Radu Grosu
international parallel and distributed processing symposium 285 -285
Hung Pham , Scott A Smolka , Scott D Stoller , Dung Phan
arXiv: Systems and Control
Sicun Gao , Scott A. Smolka , Ezio Bartocci
ISoLA (2) 353 -355
Jiri Srba , Scott A. Smolka
7th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY'05) 1 -70
Ashish Tiwari , Radu Grosu , Scott A. Smolka , Junxing Yang
international conference on concurrency theory
Insup Lee , Scott A. Smolka
Scott A. Smolka , Nir Piterman
Sicun Gao , Radu Grosu , Jacek Cyranka , Md. Ariful Islam
arXiv: Numerical Analysis
Lukas Esterle , Ashish Tiwari , Radu Grosu , Scott A. Smolka
arXiv: Systems and Control