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J. L. Ramírez , N. González , A. Rojas , G. Crisante
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P Guevara , E Rojas , N Gonzalez , J V Scorza
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 1 ( 4) 385 -389
W Ricart , J Lopez , J Mozas , A Pericot
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 63 ( 1) 64 -68
M. Ciarlantini , N Gonzalez , G. A. Cardama , L. Defelipe
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N Añez , J V Scorza , G Crisante , C Rivero
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N Añez , H Carrasco , H Parada , G Crisante
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 60 ( 5) 726 -732
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F Garcia Bournissen , S Moroni , N Gonzalez , G Moscatelli
Archives of Disease in Childhood 104 ( 6)
N Bhardwaj , A Bender , N Gonzalez , L K Bui
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R Barrie , N Gonzalez
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JM Quintana , S Garcia , U Aguirre , N Gonzalez
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N Gonzalez , V Bige , S Kandoussi , O Graesslin
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MA Luque , N Gonzalez , L Marquez , A Acitores
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A Acitores , N Gonzalez , V Sancho , I Valverde
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N Gonzalez , V Plodeck , J Dobroschke , M Laniado
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JM Quintana , A Escobar , C Esteban , U Aguirre
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Clinical Genetics 58 ( 5) 375 -385
RJ Rosenthal , DE Comings , R Gade-Andavolu , N Gonzalez
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