Yiannis Aloimonos , Zoran Duriç
Computer Vision — ECCV'92 497 -510
Yiannis Aloimonos , Zoran Duriç , Cornelia Fermuller , Liuqing Huang
Proceedings, DARPA Image Understanding Workshop 521 -541
Duric , Li , Wechsler , Cherkassky
international conference on computer vision 2 908 -914
Zoran Duric , Sushil Jajodia , Neil F. Johnson
Multimedia Information Systems 4 -11
Zoran Duric , Sushil Jajodia , Neil F. Johnson
Zoran Duric , Qi Zhang , Ryszard S. Michalski
Zoran Duric
Ric Heishman , Zoran Duric
workshop on applications of computer vision 52 -52
Chaitanya Yavvari , Zoran Duric , Duminda Wijesekera
ieee intelligent vehicles symposium 1346 -1353
Zoran Duric , Roman Goldenberg , Ehud Rivlin , Azriel Rosenfeld
Pattern Recognition 35 ( 6) 1339 -1353
Stephen J. McKenna , Sumer Jabri , Zoran Duric , Azriel Rosenfeld
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 80 ( 1) 42 -56
Zoran Duric , Azriel Rosenfeld
machine vision applications 13 ( 5) 303 -313
Ljubo Vlacic , Miguel Angel Sotelo , Zoran Duric , Eduardo Nebot
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 5 ( 4) 169 -172
Ljubo Vlacic , Miguel Ángel Sotelo , Zoran Duric , Eduardo Nebot
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 6 ( 2) 5 -7
Naomi Lynn H. Gerber , Leighton Chan , Zoran Duric , Sidney L. Johnson
PM&R 4 ( 10) S204 -S204
Cody Narber , Ivan Avramovic , Zoran Duric , Naomi L. Gerber
PM&R 2 ( 9) S100 -S100
Zoran Duric , Azriel Rosenfeld , James Duncan
International Journal of Computer Vision 31 ( 1) 83 -98
Lynn H Gerber , Cody G Narber , Nalini Vishnoi , Sidney L Johnson
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 11 ( 1) 117 -117
Gene Shuman , Zoran Duric , Daniel Barbara , Jessica Lin
bioinformatics and biomedicine 388 -394