HS Farley , D Kirby
University of Queensland Student Union 2 ( 2) 1 -58
Helen S Farley
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2009)
Sue Gregory , Brent Gregory , Matthew Campbell , Helen Farley
Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010 399 -415
Helen Farley , Neil Martin , Angela Murphy
ASCILITE - Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference 2012 ( 1) 689 -691
Lisa Jacka , Sheila Scutter , Christine Newman , Marcus McDonald
ASCILITE - Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference 622 -626
Adrian Stagg , Helen Farley
CreateWorld 2012
Neil Cliffe , Janette Lindesay , Helen Farley , Shahbaz Mushtaq
Digital Rural Futures: Smart Farms – Smart Regions
Helen Farley
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Helen Farley , Angela Murphy
ODLAA 2013: Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia 2013 Distance Education Summit
Helen Farley , Neil Martin
Intranet Change: Future Proofing your Intranet
Tasman Bedford , Gary Orth , Helen Farley , Angela Murphy
e-Assessment Scotland 2013: Transforming Assessment Sessions
Sharon Rees , Helen Farley , Angela Murphy
ASCILITE - Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference 283 -287
Helen Farley
Third International Blended Learning Conference 2008
Michael Cuthill , Mike Keppell , Joanne Doyle , Helen Farley
Macquarie University
Abdul Hafeez-Baig , Warren Midgley , Michael Lane , Brad Carter
University of Southern Queensland Research Colloquia and Showcase 38 -44
Adrian Stagg , Helen Farley
Contemporary Religion and Popular Culture Symposium
Neil Cliffe , Kathryn Reardon-Smith , Noel Jacobson , Janette Lindesay
CreateWorld 2014 40 -40
Helen Farley
MobiLearn Asia 2013: Learning Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway