Steven D. Brown , Rex Blake
Gail Hackett , Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown
Evaluar 4 ( 1)
Steven D. Brown , David Middleton
Madiot, B.;Lange, E.;Arruda, A. (ed.), Une approche engagée en psychologie social: L'oevre de Denis Jodelet 147 -172
Steven D. Brown , Howard E. A. Tinsley
Academic Press ( 1)
Steven D. Brown
Computer-Assisted Analytical Spectroscopy 272 -272
Steven D. Brown
Professional Psychology 6 ( 3) 319 -330
Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown
National Career Development Association
Steven D. Brown , Nancy E. Ryan Krane
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Debby R. Zweig , Steven D. Brown
Cognitive Therapy and Research 9 ( 3) 285 -295
Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown
Journal of Vocational Behavior 69 ( 2) 236 -247
Terence J.G. Tracey , Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown , Salvatore Soresi
Journal of Vocational Behavior 69 ( 2) 248 -261
Steven D. Brown , Selena Tramayne , Denada Hoxha , Kyle Telander
Journal of Vocational Behavior 72 ( 3) 298 -308
Hung-Bin Sheu , Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown , Matthew J. Miller
Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 ( 2) 252 -264
Steven D. Brown , Robert W. Lent , Kyle Telander , Selena Tramayne
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 ( 1) 81 -90
Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown
Journal of Vocational Behavior 120 103448
Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown
Journal of Vocational Behavior 115 103316
Steven D. Brown
Journal of Counseling Psychology 27 ( 4) 340 -345
Steven D. Brown , Tamara L. Nelson
Journal of Counseling Psychology 30 ( 3) 367 -374
Robert W. Lent , Steven D. Brown , Kevin C. Larkin
Journal of Counseling Psychology 31 ( 3) 356 -362