Radoslaw Martin Cichy , Gemma Roig , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Aude Oliva
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Rogerio Feris , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Mathew Monfort , Aude Oliva
Mathew Monfort , Bowen Pan , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Alex Andonian
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Rogério Feris , Chun-Fu Chen , Quanfu Fan , Kandan Ramakrishnan
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
H. Steven Scholte , Max M. Losch , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Edward H.F. de Haan
Cortex 98 249 -261
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Iris I.A. Groen , Arnold W.M. Smeulders , H. Steven Scholte
bioRxiv 178541
Kandan Ramakrishnan , H. Steven Scholte , Iris I. A. Groen , Arnold W. M. Smeulders
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8 ( 168) 168 -168
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Iris I. A. Groen , H. Steven Scholte , Arnold W. M. Smeulders
international conference on multimedia and expo 1 -6
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Evgeniy Bart
document analysis systems 415 -418
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Steven Scholte , Victor Lamme , Arnold Smeulders
Journal of Vision 15 ( 12) 371 -371
Mathew Monfort , Carl Vondrick , Aude Oliva , Alex Andonian
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 42 ( 2) 502 -508
Mathew Monfort , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Alex Andonian , Aude Oliva
Journal of Vision 19 ( 10)
Mathew Monfort , Bolei Zhou , Sarah Bargal , Alex Andonian
Journal of Vision 18 ( 10) 753 -753
Max Losch , Noor Seijdel , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Cees Snoek
Journal of Vision 16 ( 12) 175 -175
Noor Seijdel , Kandan Ramakrishnan , Max Losch , Steven Scholte
Journal of Vision 16 ( 12) 501 -501
Kandan Ramakrishnan , H. Steven Scholte , Arnold Smeulders , Sennay Ghebreab
Journal of Vision 16 ( 12) 373 -373
Kandan Ramakrishnan , H.Steven Scholte , Sennay Ghebreab
Journal of Vision 16 ( 12) 757 -757
H.Steven Scholte , Max Losch , Noor Seijdel , Kandan Ramakrishnan
Journal of Vision 16 ( 12) 758 -758
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Yalda Mohsenzadeh , Mathew Monfort , Aude Oliva
Journal of Vision 19 ( 10) 61 -61
Kandan Ramakrishnan , Rameswar Panda , Quanfu Fan , John Henning
computer vision and pattern recognition 250 -251