Jiahong Yuan
international symposium on chinese spoken language processing 45 -48
Jiahong Yuan , D. Jurafsky
ieee automatic speech recognition and understanding workshop 47 -52
Chilin Shih , Greg Kochanski , Eric Fosler-Lussier , Melody Chan
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Prosody in Speech Recognition and Understanding
Yin-Long Liu , Rui Feng , Jia-Hong Yuan , Zhen-Hua Ling
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.07410
Jia Hong Yuan
University of Pennsylvania
Jianwu Dang , Jiahong Yuan , Mark Tiede
conference of the international speech communication association 2815 -2818
Carolyn Quam , Daniel Swingley , Jiahong Yuan
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 30 ( 30)
Jiahong Yuan
conference of the international speech communication association 1848 -1849
Mark Liberman , Jiahong Yuan
conference of the international speech communication association 2215 -2218
Ingrid Rosenfelder , Keelan Evanini , Kyle Gorman , Hilary Prichard
Kyle Gorman , Mark Liberman , Jiahong Yuan , Catherine Lai
conference of the international speech communication association 2345 -2348
Chilin Shih , Jiahong Yuan , Greg P. Kochanski
Mark Liberman , Jiahong Yuan
conference of the international speech communication association 134 -137
Mark Liberman , Jiahong Yuan
ICPhS 2244 -2247
Mari Ostendorf , Jiahong Yuan , Yang Liu , Trang Tran
arXiv: Computation and Language
Yuchen Bian , Jiahong Yuan , Kenneth Church , Xingyu Cai
Frontiers of Computer Science 2 624488
Jiahong Yuan , Kenneth Church , Xingyu Cai
international conference on acoustics speech and signal processing
Jiahong Yuan , Kenneth Church
international conference on acoustics speech and signal processing
Jiahong Yuan , Mark Liberman
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 ( 5) 3878 -3878
Jiahong Yuan , Neville Ryant , Mark Liberman
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2539 -2543