Ronitt Rubinfeld , Don Coppersmith , Michael Luby , Michael Ben-Or
international workshop and international workshop on approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. algorithms and techniques 273 -285
Baruch Awerbuch , Michael Saks , Joachim von zur Gathen , Joseph Halpern
Lior Eldar , Michael Ben-Or
conference on innovations in theoretical computer science 94 22
Ezra N. Hoch , Michael Ben-Or , Danny Dolev
international conference on stabilization safety and security of distributed systems 6366 19 -34
Michael Ben-Or , Oded Goldreich , Shafi Goldwasser , Johan Håstad
international cryptology conference 37 -56
Michael Ben-Or , Shafi Goldwasser , Joe Kilian , Avi Wigderson
international cryptology conference 498 -506
Michael Ben-Or , Shafi Goldwasser , Avi Wigderson
symposium on the theory of computing 1 -10
Michael Ben-Or , Prasson Tiwari
symposium on the theory of computing 301 -309
Michael Ben-Or , Ran El-Yaniv
Distributed Computing 16 ( 4) 249 -262
Danny Gutfreund , Michael Ben-Or
international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security 429 -442
Michael Ben-Or , Dana Ron
Information Processing Letters 57 ( 6) 329 -334
Miklos Ajtai , Michael Ben-Or
symposium on the theory of computing 471 -474
Michael Ben-Or
symposium on the theory of computing 80 -86
Michael Ben-Or , Benny Chor , Adi Shamir
symposium on the theory of computing 421 -430
Michael Ben-Or , Dexter Kozen , John Reif
symposium on the theory of computing 457 -464
Michael Ben-Or , , Shafi Goldwasser , Joe Kilian
Providing Sound Foundations for Cryptography 373 -410
Michael Ben-Or , Avinatan Hassidim
foundations of computer science 221 -230
Michael Ben-Or , Claude Crepeau , Daniel Gottesman , Avinatan Hassidim
foundations of computer science 249 -260
Michael Ben-Or , Nathan Linial
26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1985) 408 -416
Yonatan Aumann , Michael Ben-Or
symposium on the theory of computing 162 -169