Opher Etzion , Peter Niblett , Rainer von Ammon , K. Mani Chandy
dagstuhl seminar proceedings 0
Boris Dahav , Opher Etzion
ER Workshop Challenges of Application and Challenges of Design 91 -103
Opher Etzion , Asaf Adi
rules and rule markup languages for the semantic web
Opher Etzion , Joris Mihaeli
ADBIS (Local Proceedings)
Opher Etzion , Rainer von Ammon , K. Mani Chandy
dagstuhl seminar proceedings 0
Opher Etzion , Guy Sharon
Opher Etzion , Nir Zolotorvesky
From active data management to event-based systems and more 85 -107
Opher Etzion , Tali Yatzkar-Haham , David Botzer , Asaf Adi
very large data bases 643 -645
Opher Etzion , Peter Scheuermann ,
Opher Etzion
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 1052 -1053
Opher Etzion , David Botzer , Asaf Adi
european conference on information systems 320 -325
Opher Etzion , Peter Niblett
Opher Etzion , Fabiana Fournier , Barbara von Halle
IEEE Data(base) Engineering Bulletin 38 105 -115
Opher Etzion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 -7
Amihai Motro , Tsvi Kuflik , Opher Etzion
Peter Scheuermann , Opher Etzion
Opher Etzion , Mani Chandy , Rainer Ammon , Roy Schulte
ieee international conference on services computing 30
Asaf Adi , Opher Etzion , Dagan Gilat , Guy Sharon
rules and rule markup languages for the semantic web 49 -64
Mati Golani , Opher Etzion
next generation information technologies and systems 159 -172
Opher Etzion
Principles and Applications of Distributed Event-Based Systems 75 -89