Martin Wehrle , Malte Helmert , Y Alkhazraji , R Mattmüller
Technical Report CS-2013-002, University of Basel
B Nebel , R Mattmüller , T Schulte , D Speck
constraints 5 ( 2) 3 -3
K Görlinger , H Göbel , VM Tronnier , A Rolf
Neurogener Schmerz: Management von Diagnostik und Therapie 289 -355
O Weihberger , T Krüger , R Mattmüller , JA Coy
Tagung Der Sektion Stereotaxie Und Radiologie
Jonathan Spitz , Andre Biedenkapp , David Speck , Frank Hutter
Pascal Bercher , Robert Mattmüller
european conference on artificial intelligence 921 -922
Malte Helmert , Robert Mattmüller
national conference on artificial intelligence 938 -943
Malte Helmert , Yusra Alkhazraji , Robert Mattmüller , Martin Wehrle
european conference on artificial intelligence 891 -892
Patrick Eyerich , Kartik Talamadupula , Subbarao Kambhampati , Robert Mattmüller
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 259 -262
Robert Mattmüller , Thomas Keller , Florian Geißer
annual symposium on combinatorial search 228 -229
Malte Helmert , Yusra Alkhazraji , Robert Mattmüller , Martin Wehrle
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 251 -259
Patrick Eyerich , Robert Mattmüller , Gabriele Röger
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments 49 -64
Robert Mattmüller , Florian Geißer , David Speck
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 250 -258
Bernhard Nebel , Thomas Bolander , Robert Mattmüller , Thorsten Engesser
principles of knowledge representation and reasoning 445 -453
Bernhard Nebel , Robert Mattmüller , Benedict Wright
principles of knowledge representation and reasoning 474 -483
Robert Mattmüller , Florian Geißer , Álvaro Torralba , David Speck
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 29 464 -472
Robert Mattmüller , Florian Geißer , David Speck
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 30 263 -271
Thorsten Engesser , Robert Mattmüller , Bernhard Nebel , Felicitas Ritter
principles of knowledge representation and reasoning 17 ( 1) 351 -360
Hans-Jörg Peter , Rüdiger Ehlers , Robert Mattmüller
computer aided verification 649 -655
Malte Helmert , Robert Mattmüller , Sven Schewe
automated technology for verification and analysis 200 -214