Man-Hung Siu , Herbert Gish , Arthur Chan , William Belfield
conference of the international speech communication association 1935 -1938
Thomas Colthurst , Richard M. Schwartz , David R. H. Miller , Chia-Lin Kao
conference of the international speech communication association 314 -317
Marie Meteer , Herbert Gish
The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language
Yaakov Bar-Shalom , Ronald Mucci , Herbert Gish
american control conference 22 ( 22) 1039 -1046
Man-Hung Siu , Steve Lowe , Herbert Gish , Arthur Chan
conference of the international speech communication association 2333 -2336
Herbert Gish , Douglas Cochran
international symposium on information theory
Herbert Gish , Ronald Mucci
Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1990 1305 232 -241
Manhung Siu , Herbert Gish
Computer Speech & Language 13 ( 4) 299 -319
Man-hung Siu , Herbert Gish , Arthur Chan , William Belfield
Computer Speech & Language 28 ( 1) 210 -223
Herbert Gish , Jan Silovsky , Man-Ling Sung , Man-Hung Siu
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 8394 -8398
Lu-feng Zhai , Man-hung Siu , Xi Yang , Herbert Gish
2006 IEEE Odyssey - The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop 1 -6
Man-Hung Siu , Xi Yang , Herbert Gish
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 17 ( 1) 187 -197
Herbert Gish , Ronald Mucci
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 23 ( 1) 60 -72
Kerri Barnes , Matthew Snover , Man-Hung Siu , Herbert Gish
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2244 -2248
Man-hung Siu , Omer Lang , Herbert Gish , Steve Lowe
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 4385 -4388
Herbert Gish
Springer, London 115 -136
Spyros Matsoukas , Thomas Colthurst , Owen Kimball , Alex Solomonoff
international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 1 721 -724
Timothy J. Hazen , Man-Hung Siu , Herbert Gish , Steve Lowe
ieee automatic speech recognition and understanding workshop 395 -400
Robert D Preuss , Salim E Roukos , AWF Huggins , Herbert Gish
Robert David Preuss , Salim Estephan Roukos , AWF Huggins , Herbert Gish