Huseyin Melih Elibol , Vincent Nguyen , Scott Linderman , Matthew Johnson
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Scott W Linderman , Samuel J Gershman
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 46 14 -24
Albert Lin , Daniel Witvliet , Luis Hernandez-Nunez , Scott W Linderman
Nature Reviews Physics 4 ( 5) 292 -305
Jimmy TH Smith , Andrew Warrington , Scott W Linderman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.04933
Jeffrey E Markowitz , Winthrop F Gillis , Maya Jay , Jeffrey Wood
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Xinwei Yu , Matthew S Creamer , Francesco Randi , Anuj K Sharma
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Wesley Tansey , Kathy Li , Haoran Zhang , Scott W Linderman
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Wesley Tansey , Kathy Li , Haoran Zhang , Scott W Linderman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.05691
Wesley Tansey , Kathy Li , Haoran Zhang , Scott W Linderman
E Kelly Buchanan , Akiva Lipschitz , Scott W Linderman , Liam Paninski
Workshop on Worm’s neural information processing at the 31st conference on neural information processing systems
Scott W Linderman , Gonzalo E Mena , Hal Cooper , Liam Paninski
Scott W Linderman , Yixin Wang , David M Blei
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Aaron Schein , Scott W Linderman , Mingyuan Zhou , David M Blei
Isabel IC Low , Alex H Williams , Malcolm G Campbell , Scott W Linderman
Neuron 109 ( 18) 2967 -2980. e11
Caleb Weinreb , Jonah Pearl , Sherry Lin , Mohammed Abdal Monium Osman
Scott W Linderman , Ryan P Adams
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.03228
Scott W Linderman , Ryan P Adams , Jonathan W Pillow
Neuron 50 ( 100) 150 -150
Scott W Linderman , Matthew J Johnson , Sandeep R Datta , Ryan P Adams
Computational and systems neuroscience (Cosyne)
Scott W Linderman , Ryan P Adams
New England Machine Learning Day, Cambridge, MA USA
Scott W Linderman , Ryan P Adams
Cosyne Abstracts