Lars E. Harrie
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 26 ( 1) 55 -69
Sun , Mi , Olsson , Paulsson
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 8 ( 11) 503 -527
Lars Harrie
Scan-GIS, 2005 63 -74
Lars Harrie
dagstuhl seminar proceedings 0
Lars Harrie , Liqiu Meng , Bo Mao , Yifang Ban
Proceedings of 13th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation
Lars Harrie , Bo Mao , Yifang Ban , Hongchao Fan
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
Lars Harrie , Liqiu Meng , Bo Mao , Yifang Ban
ICA workshop Geographic Information on Demand
Lars Harrie , Peter Ringberg , Qingnian Zhang
International Cartographic Conference, 2005
Lars Harrie , Petter Pilesjö , Maria Gullstrand , Karin Ljungblom
Nordic GIS-conference 144 -160
Lars Harrie , Lars Eklundh , Håkan Olsson , Dan Klang
Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar; pp 103-137 (2013) 103 -137
Lars Harrie , Maria Ljungblom , Karin Gullstrand , Petter Pilesjö
Nordic GIS-conference
Lars Harrie , Petter Pilesjö , M Moskvitina , Per Asserup
GIS-centrum, Lunds universitet
Lars Harrie , Lars Eklundh
Geografiska informationssystem - tillämpningsexempel; pp 9-38 (2005) 9 -38
Lars Harrie
Lantmäteritidskrift; (3), pp 5-11 (1996) ( 3) 5 -11
Lars Harrie , Hanna Stigmar
Kart och Bildteknik: mapping and image science; (2009:2), pp 22-25 (2010) 22 -25
Lars Harrie
Kartbladet; (4), pp 36-43 (1997) ( 4) 36 -43
Lars Harrie , Hanna Stigmar
ICA Workshop on map generalisation, 2008
Lars Harrie , Bo Mao , Yifang Ban
The 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Beijing, China, September, 2009
Lars Harrie
Kartbladet; (1), pp 26-34 (2001) ( 1) 26 -34
Lars Harrie , Fredrik Davidsson , Anna-Karin Hellström
Kartbladet; (1), pp 26-34 (1999) ( 1) 26 -34