Evangelos A Theodorou , Emmanuel Todorov
2012 American Control Conference (ACC) 1633 -1639
Theodorou , Valero-Cuevas , Todorov
american control conference 348 -355
Todorov , Theodorou , Tassa
Proceedings of the 2010 American Contrl Conference 1125 -1132
E. V. Todorov , A. G. Siapas , D. C. Somers , S. B. Nelson
CNS '96 Proceedings of the annual conference on Computational neuroscience : trends in research, 1997: trends in research, 1997 525 -531
Sham M. Kakade , Emanuel V. Todorov , Kendall Lowrey , Aravind Rajeswaran
neural information processing systems 30 6550 -6561
David C. Somers , Emanuel V. Todorov , Athanassios G. Siapas , Mriganka Sur
CNS '96 Proceedings of the annual conference on Computational neuroscience : trends in research, 1997: trends in research, 1997 505 -510
David C Somers , Emanuel V Todorov , Athanassios G Siapas , Louis J Toth
Cerebral Cortex 8 ( 3) 204 -217
David C Somers , Emanuel V Todorov , Athanassios G Siapas , Mriganka Sur
EV Todorov , AG Siapas , DC Somers , SB Nelson
Computational Neuroscience (Plenum Press, New York, 1997). Hauke Bartsch is a member of the Neural Information Processing Group at the Department of Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin. He received his Masters degree in
DC Somers , EV Todorov , AG Siapas , M Sur
Emanuel Todorov , Weiwei Li
Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator Design for Nonlinear Biological Movement Systems 222 -229
Krishnamurthy Dvijotham , Emanuel Todorov
international conference on machine learning 335 -342
Athanassios Siapas , Emanuel Todorov , David Somers
neural information processing systems 9 118 -126
Emanuel Todorov
neural information processing systems 23 2298 -2306
Emanuel Todorov
neural information processing systems 19 1369 -1376
Emanuel Todorov , Michael Jordan ,
neural information processing systems 15 27 -34
Igor Mordatch , Emanuel Todorov , Zoran Popović
symposium on computer animation 137 -144
Emanuel Todorov
neural information processing systems 22 1856 -1864
Reza Shadmehr , Emanuel Todorov , Tom Brashers-Krug
neural information processing systems 7 19 -26
Igor Mordatch , Galen Andrew , Emanuel Todorov , Kendall Lowrey
neural information processing systems 28 3132 -3140