Network Science 2 ( 3) 341 -366
J.-C. Delvenne , Luis E. C. Rocha , R. Lambiotte
R. Lambiotte , R. Sinatra , J.-C. Delvenne , T. S. Evans
Physical Review E 84 ( 1) 017102 -017102
V. A. Traag , R. Aldecoa , J.-C. Delvenne
Physical Review E 92 ( 2) 022816 -022816
J.-C. Delvenne , V.D. Blondel
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 ( 6) 977 -986
J.-C. Delvenne
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 ( 2) 298 -303
M. Lopez-Martinez , J.-C. Delvenne , V.D. Blondel
Iet Control Theory and Applications 6 ( 15) 2467 -2476
M. Lopez-Martinez , J.-C. Delvenne , Vincent D. Blondel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 ( 19) 191 -196
J.-C Delvenne , M. Lopez-Martinez , Vincent D. Blondel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 ( 1) 8866 -8871
E. Andre , C. Isaacs , D. Affolabi , R. Alagna
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 20 ( 8) 999 -1003
H Sandberg , J Delvenne , J C Doyle
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 ( 2) 293 -308
S Aeron , V Angelakis , M Arcak , T Asai
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 3 ( 4) 1 -1
E Abbe , Z Aminzare , AS Bandeira , M Barahona
Power 53 66 -66
B Chiêm , F Crevecoeur , J Delvenne
Zhongkui Li , Duan Zhisheng , A Abdessameud , A Tayebi
Prentice Hall 54 ( 11) 1 -18
J-C Delvenne , Sophia N Yaliraki , Mauricio Barahona
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 ( 29) 12755 -12760
Renaud Lambiotte , J-C Delvenne , Mauricio Barahona
arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1770
R Lambiotte , J-Ch Delvenne , M Barahona
arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1770
Clémence Toussaint , André Mouraux , François-Xavier Standaert , Jean-Charles DELVENNE
Coralie Helleputte , Jean-Charles DELVENNE