Mark D. Syer , Meiyappan Nagappan , Ahmed E. Hassan , Bram Adams
conference of the centre for advanced studies on collaborative research 283 -297
Bram Adams , T Tourwé
Proceedings of the 3rd Software-Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies Workshop (SPLAT) (published on website)
Foutse Khomh , Bram Adams , Christian Bird , Kim Moir
international conference on software engineering 2 1545 -1546
Ahmed E. Hassan , Bram Adams , Daniel M. German
mining software repositories 470 -473
Parastou Tourani , Marco Ortu , Michele Marchesi , Bram Adams
mining software repositories 303 -313
King Chun Foo , Parminder Flora , Ying Zou , Ahmed E. Hassan
international conference on software engineering 2 159 -168
James R. Cordy , Bram Adams , Douglas H. Martin , Giulio Antoniol
international conference on program comprehension 207 -217
Yujuan Jiang , Bram Adams
mining software repositories 45 -55
Ahmed E. Hassan , Bram Adams , Shahed Zaman
mining software repositories 199 -208
Foutse Khomh , Tejinder Dhaliwal , Ying Zou , Bram Adams
mining software repositories 179 -188
Yann-Gael Gueheneuc , Massimiliano Di Penta , Bram Adams , Daniel M. German
international conference on software engineering 1255 -1258
Bram Adams
Proceedings of GTTSE, Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering 2005
Bram Adams
aspect oriented software development
Bram Adams , K De Schutter
Benevol2006, Belgium-Netherlands software evolution workshop
Bram Adams
Proceedings of LATEr, 2nd Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution Workshop 2006 (published on website)
Bram Adams
Proceedings of EWAS, European Workshop on Aspects in Software 2006
Kris De Schutter , Bram Adams , A Zaidman
Proceedings of EIWAS, European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software 2005 (published on website)
Bram Adams
Proceedings of the 6th FTW PhD Symposium
Hanspeter Mössenböck , Bram Adams , Stefan Marr , Manuel Rigger
arXiv: Programming Languages
Bram Adams , K De Schutter
dagstuhl seminar proceedings 6302 -6302