Shuyin FENG , Paul J. VARDANEGA , Erdin IBRAIM , Iswandaru WIDYATMOKO
16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 2 871 -876
Actes des journées scientifiques du LCPC 513 -520
Erdin Ibraim , T Yamaguchi , A Kondo , K Maeda
Journal of Applied Mechanics 13 503 -515
K Maeda , Erdin Ibraim , T Yamaguchi , T Matsumoto
Journal of Applied Mechanics,JSCE 12 497 -506
M Pope , Erdin Ibraim , P Christiaens
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Special Issue on Soil Behaviour 42 58 -68
S Fourmont , Erdin Ibraim
R Matiotti , Erdin Ibraim , T Doanh
119 -124
Erdin Ibraim , T Doanh
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , S Bhattacharya , Dft Nash
University of Bristol
Martin Lings , David Muir Wood , Erdin Ibraim , Simon Hamlin
IOS Press 390 -397
Erdin Ibraim , Salman Rouhanifar
IOS Press 1073 -1080
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , Sha Luo
1st IMEKO TC4 International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics, MetroGeotechnics 2016 187 -193
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , Sha Luo
Czech Society for Nondestructive Testing 305 -313
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , Alessandro Mandolini
1st IMEKO TC4 International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics, MetroGeotechnics 2016 175 -180
Erdin Ibraim
19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Unearth the Future, Connect Beyond [ ]
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , Alessandro Mandolini
79 -80
Jean Soubestre , Claude Boutin , Stephan Hans , M Dietz
Javier Camacho Tauta , Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim
European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Andrea Diambra , Erdin Ibraim , Alessandro Mandolini
European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Alessandro Tarantino , Erdin Ibraim
EDP Sciences