and Nick Montfort Angela Chang , Milton Läufer presenting on behalf of Judy Heflin , Katy Gero , Leonardo Flores
Electronic Literature Organization 2022
Brad Koerner , Benjamin Resner , Hiroshi Ishii , Angela Chang
Angela Chang , David Nunez , Tom Roberts , David Sengeh
interaction design and children 471 -474
Angela M. Puccini , Marisa Puccini , Angela Chang
interaction design and children 455 -458
Angela Chang , James Gouldstone , Jamie Zigelbaum , Hiroshi Ishii
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction - TEI '08 251 -254
Heather Knight , Robert Toscano , Walter D. Stiehl , Angela Chang
intelligent robots and systems 3715 -3720
Conor O’Sullivan , Angela Chang
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 145 -156
Angela Chang , Conor O’Sullivan
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 70 -80
Jason B. Alonso , Angela Chang , Cynthia Breazeal
international conference on interactive digital storytelling 350 -353
Angela Chang , Sile O'Modhrain , Rob Jacob , Eric Gunther
designing interactive systems 312 -320
Angela Chang , Hiroshi Ishii
new interfaces for musical expression 46 -49
Angela Chang , Conor O'Sullivan
CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05 1264 -1267
Angela Chang , Hiroshi Ishii
designing interactive systems 50 -59
Angela Chang , James Gouldstone , Jamie Zigelbaum , Hiroshi Ishii
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction - TEI '07 135 -138
Angela Chang , Ben Resner , Brad Koerner , XingChen Wang
Smpte Journal 313 -314
Angela Chang , Pei-Yu Chi , Nick Montfort , Cynthia Breazeal
The International conference & festival of the Electronic literature organization
Angela Chang , Cynthia Breazeal
145 -148
Angela Chang , Cynthia Breazeal , Fardad Faridi , Tom Roberts
505 -520
Heather Knight , Angela Chang , Walter Dan Stiehl , Robert Toscano
HRI workshop on acceptance of robots in society
Angela Chang , Lidet Tilahun , Breazeal Breazeal ,
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014)