MOSHE Sipper , DANIEL Mange , EDUARDO Sanchez
Communications of the ACM 42 ( 4)
Moshe Sipper , Edmund Ronald
IEEE Spectrum 36 ( 9) 28 -31
Moshe Sipper , James A. Reggia
Investigación y ciencia ( 301) 15 -23
Peter I. Cowling , Philip Hingston , Michael Buro , Martin V. Butz
computational intelligence and games 19
Andrés Pérez-Uribe , Daniel Mange , Moshe Sipper
Ami Hauptman , Achiya Elyasaf , Moshe Sipper ,
annual symposium on combinatorial search
Moshe Sipper
Ai Magazine 22 ( 4) 133 -140
Moshe Sipper
Complexity 5 ( 4) 31 -34
Yael Zaritsky , Moshe Sipper , Achiya Elyasaf , Ami Hauptman
annual symposium on combinatorial search
Moshe Sipper , André Stauffer
ICAL 2003 Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Artificial life 53 -56
Moshe Sipper , Samira El Y. Coubi , Roland Vollmar , Jirí Kroc
Journal of Cellular Automata 1 87 -89
Eytan Ruppin , Isaac Meilijson , Moshe Sipper
Algorithms and Architectures 123 -154
Moshe Sipper , Moshe Sipper , Jason H. Moore , Weixuan Fu
Biodata Mining 11 ( 1) 1 -14
Moshe Sipper , Jason H Moore
Scientific Reports 11 ( 1) 3629 -3629
Moshe Sipper , Jason H. Moore
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1 -25
Moshe Sipper
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 653 -662
Mathieu Capcarrère , Andrea Tettamanzi , Marco Tomassini , Moshe Sipper
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 573 -582