John Ousterhout , Ankita Kejriwal , Arjun Gopalan , Zhihao Jia
usenix annual technical conference 57 -70
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , Wendy Ju , Stephen Yang
international conference on intelligent transportation systems 1 -8
John Ousterhout , Seo Jin Park , Stephen Yang
usenix annual technical conference 335 -349
Lucy Nam , Stephen Yang , Fatima Wilder
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 77 ( 18) 3360
Brian Mok , Mishel Johns , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
user interface software and technology 229 -241
Brian K. Mok , Stephen Yang , David Sirkin , Wendy Ju
human-robot interaction 250 -251
Brian Ka-Jun Mok , Stephen Yang , David Sirkin , Wendy Ju
robot and human interactive communication 700 -706
Stephen Yang , Brian Ka-Jun Mok , David Sirkin , Hillary Page Ive
robot and human interactive communication 277 -284
Yong hun Eom , Stephen Yang , James C. Jenista , Brian Demsky
acm sigplan symposium on principles and practice of parallel programming 47 ( 8) 85 -96
John Ousterhout , Arjun Gopalan , Ashish Gupta , Ankita Kejriwal
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 33 ( 3) 7
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
human-robot interaction 11 -18
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 275 -275
Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , David Sirkin , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 291 -291
Stephen Yang , Brian Mok , David Sirkin , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 303 -303
Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , David Sirkin , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 309 -309
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
human robot interaction 297 -297
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Wendy Ju
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW '16 Companion 102 -105
Kerstin Fischer , Stephen Yang , Brian Mok , Rohan Maheshwari
2015 AAAI Spring Symposium Series
David Sirkin , Brian Mok , Stephen Yang , Rohan Maheshwari
Design Thinking Research: Making Design Thinking Foundational 93 -108
John F Lazar , Kristen Brown , Sadia Yousaf , Anthony Jarc
Journal of Robotic Surgery 17 ( 2) 669 -676