David Ray McGee
Oregon Health & Science University
Marcus J. Huber , Sanjeev Kumar , Sean A. Lisse , David McGee
international conference on information technology 550 -555
Ian Gorton , Jereme Haack , David McGee , Andrew Cowell
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent Systems 264 -278
Philip R. Cohen , Michael Johnston , David McGee , Sharon Oviatt
acm multimedia 31 -40
Ed Kaiser , Alex Olwal , David McGee , Hrvoje Benko
international conference on multimodal interfaces 12 -19
Paulo Barthelmess , Edward Kaiser , Rebecca Lunsford , David McGee
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Human-centered multimedia - HCM '06 1 -8
Paulo Barthelmess , Edward Kaiser , Xiao Huang , David McGee
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Multimodal interfaces - ICMI '06 4 -11
Philip Cohen , David McGee , Josh Clow
conference on applied natural language processing 331 -338
Philip R. Cohen , Michael Johnston , David McGee , Sharon Oviatt
conference on applied natural language processing 20 -24
Michael Johnston , Philip R. Cohen , David McGee , Sharon L. Oviatt
Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics - 281 -288
Philip R Cohen , Michael Johnston , David McGee , Sharon L Oviatt
Philip R Cohen , Michael Johnston , David McGee , Sharon Oviatt
Philip R Cohen , David McGee
Marcus Huber , Sanjeev Kumar , Philip Cohen , David McGee
Intelligent Agents VIII 221 -234
Paulo Barthelmess , David McGee , Philip R Cohen , Edward C Kaiser
Michael Robin , Paulo Barthelmess , David McGee , Philipp Schmid
Philip R Cohen , Scott Lind , David McGee
Erik M Erikson , R Matthews Wesson , Ira Smith , David McGee
Paulo Barthelmess , David McGee , Alex A Arthur , David Scott
Paulo Barthelmess , David McGee , Philip Cohen
CSCW 2006 Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents (CoPADD)