Michael Levi , Tyler MOORE , Stefan SAVAGE
Ercim News 2012
First Monday 17 10 -10
Economic Perspectives 23 ( 3)
Moshe Lewenstein , Seth Pettie , Virginia Vassilevska Williams , Seok-Hee Hong
Henry Stern , Tyler Moore , Richard Clayton
usenix conference on large scale exploits and emergent threats 5 -5
Marie Vasek , Tyler Moore
CSET'12 Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test 6 -6
Tyler Moore , Richard Clayton
Tyler Moore
Nektarios Leontiadis , Tyler Moore , Nicolas Christin
usenix security symposium 19 -19
Tyler Moore
Rainer Böhme , Markus Riek , Tyler Moore
workshop on the economics of information security
Tyler Moore , Nicolas Christin , Richard Clayton
Michael Levi , Ross Anderson , Marie Vasek , Carlos Gañán
workshop on the economics of information security
Rainer Böhme , Wouter Joosen , Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob , Tom van Goethem
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
George Stelle , Steven Hofmeyr , Tyler Moore , Stephanie Forrest
arXiv: Cryptography and Security
Andrew C. Simpson , Tyler Moore , Daniel W. Woods
Digital Threats: Research and Practice 2 ( 2) 1 -21
Tyler Moore , Richard Clayton
Communications & Strategies 81 ( 81) 45 -68
Neil Gandal , Arghya Mukherjee , Marie Vasek , Tyler Moore
Information Processing and Management 58 ( 4) 102506