Mario Ragwitz , ANke Weidlich , Dirk Biermann , Julian Brandes
acatech–Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften e. V.
A Dimeas , N Hatziargiriou , TTA Weidlich ,
Berlin: Springer
Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung
Anke Weidlich , Stamatis Karnouskos , Harald Vogt
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Management 1 ( 4) 30 -34
Massimo Genoese , Frank Sensfuß , Anke Weidlich , Dominik Möst
Informatics for environmental protection - networking environmental information. EnviroInfo Brno, 2005 - proceedings of the 19th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 7 - 9, 2005, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Ed.: J. Hrebicek 542 -546
Christof Weinhardt , Lilia Filipova-Neumann , Anke Weidlich , Wolfgang Ketter
Anke Weidlich , Daniel J. Veit
Securing Energy in Insecure Times,29th IAEE International Conference,2006
Anke Weidlich , Daniel J. Veit
Orestis Terzidis , Anke Weidlich , Clemens van Dinther , Florian Briegel
Anke Weidlich , Anke Bekk , Matthias Kühnbach , Matthias Kühnbach
Energy Strategy Reviews 34 100609
Timm Teubner , Henner Gimpel , Anke Weidlich , Stefan Seifert
Springer International Publishing
Tobias Naegler , Jens Buchgeister , Philip Ulrich , Heidi Hottenroth
Sustainability 13 ( 9) 5217
Anke Weidlich , Daniel Veit
power and energy society general meeting 1 -8
Anke Weidlich , Ahsan Zaidi
Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 4 ( 1) 1 -16
Anke Weidlich , Frank Sensfuß , Massimo Genoese , Daniel Veit
Emissions Trading 91 -101
Aris Dimeas , Stefan Drenkard , Nikos Hatziargyriou , Stamatis Karnouskos
IEEE Electrification Magazine 2 ( 1) 81 -93
Hazem Abdel-Khalek , Mirko Schäfer , Raquel Vásquez , Jan Frederick Unnewehr
Energy Informatics 2 ( 1) 1 -13
Daniel J. Veit , Anke Weidlich , Jian Yao , Shmuel S. Oren
international journal of management science and engineering management 1 ( 2) 83 -97