Adam Kilgarriff , Pavel Rychlý , Milos Jakubicek , Vojtech Kovár
LREC 545 -552
Vit Baisa , Jane Bradbury , Silvie Cinková , Ismail El Maarouf
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015) 315 -324
Peter Crosthwaite , Vit Baisa
Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 ( 3) 100066 -100066
Peter Crosthwaite , Vit Baisa
Vit Baisa ,
RASLAN 21 -27
Iztok Kosem , Vıt Baisa , V Kovář , Adam Kilgarriff
Book of Abstracts LCR 82 -84
Vıt Baisa
Unpublished master’s thesis, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk university
Vıt Baisa
Ph. D. thesis, Masaryk University
Vıt Baisa
Master’s thesis
Adéla Štromajerová , Vıt Baisa , Marek Blahuš
Masarykova univerzita
Vít Baisa , Vít Suchomel , Pavel Rychlý , Vojtěch Kovář
Vít Baisa , Vít Suchomel
RASLAN 63 -70
Vít Baisa
RASLAN 81 -87
Vít Baisa , Vojtěch Kovář , Miloš Jakubíček , Lucia Kocincová
Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Corpus Query and Visualization Tools at NODALIDA 2015, May 11-13, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania ( 111) 17 -22
Vít Baisa , Miloš Jakubíček , Jan Michelfeit , Marek Medveď
language resources and evaluation 2799 -2803
Vít Baisa , Silvie Cinkova , Ema Krejčová , Anna Vernerová
language resources and evaluation 848 -854
Adam Kilgarriff , Vít Baisa , Pavel Rychlý , Vojtěch Kovář
Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress 693 -700
Vít Baisa , Valentina Apresjan , Olga Kultepina , Olga Buivolova
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 292 -300
Vít Baisa
RASLAN 3 -10
Vít Baisa , Silvie Cinkova , Ema Krejčová , Anna Vernerová
language resources and evaluation 823 -827