Stephen Smith , R. Craig Wood
School business affairs 62 ( 12)
Damian Murphy , Stephen Smith , Francis Stevens
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society
David Bonthron , Michael Lones , Sally A. Peyman , Stephen Smith
University of Leeds
Dieter Nagel , Stephen Smith
2014 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF) 1 -5
Stephen Smith , Sander Weinreb
progress in electromagnetic research symposium 1666 -1666
Tamás Spisák , Zsófia Spisák , Matthias Zunhammer , Ulrike Bingel
NeuroImage 185 12 -26
Stephen Smith
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 6 ( 4) 56 -67
Stephen Smith , Eugene Duff , Adrian Groves , Thomas E. Nichols
The Journal of Neuroscience 39 ( 31) 6136 -6149
Jeremy Cosgrove , Stuart Jamieson , Stephen Smith , Jane Alty
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 86 ( 11) e4.82 -e4
Jeremy Cosgrove , Stuart Jamieson , Stephen Smith , Jane Alty
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 86 ( 11) e4.81 -e4
Randy Hecht , Yue-Sheng Li , Jeonghoon Sun , Ed Belouski
PLoS ONE 7 ( 11) e49345
Dieter Nagel , Stephen Smith
international radar conference 1 -4
PL Fevre , J Devereux , S Smith
Palliative Medicine 13 ( 5) 399 -407
Christian von Wagner , Gianluca Baio , Rosalind Raine , Julia Snowball
International Journal of Epidemiology 40 ( 3) 712 -718
Márjory Da Costa-Abreu , Stephen Smith
Computer Law & Security Review 33 ( 5) 629 -634
Shanaka Stanislaus , Randy Hecht , Junming Yie , Todd Hager
Endocrinology 158 ( 5) 1314 -1327
Richard Smith , Amy Duguay , Alice Bakker , Peng Li
PLOS ONE 8 ( 4) 61432
Tian Xia , Jeremy Cosgrove , Jane Alty , Stuart Jamieson
genetic and evolutionary computation conference 1855 -1863
Gemma Vart , Roger Band , Stephen P Halloran , Julia Snowball
Programme Grants for Applied Research 5 ( 8) 1 -302
Richard J. Barker , Peter H. Taylor , Stephen Smith
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22 ( 2) 465 -473