Mascort-Albea , Canivell , Jaramillo-Morilla , Romero-Hernández
Buildings 9 ( 5) 104
F.J. Blasco-López , J. Canivell , A. Graciani , J.J. Martín-del-Río
CRC Press 417 -422
M. J. López-Zambrano , J. Canivell , C. Calama-González
Informes De La Construccion 71 ( 555) 300
JJ Martín-del-Rio , J Canivell , Marta Torres-González , EJ Mascort-Albea
Journal of Building Engineering 44 103381 -103381
J Canivell , A Graciani
Rammed Earth Conservation, Rammed Earth Conservation 289 -295
A Graciani , J Canivell
30 -41
J Canivell , R Rodríguez García , AM González Serrano , A Romero Girón
Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture 117 -117
J Canivell , R Rodríguez García , AM González Serrano , A Romero Girón
Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development, Taylor & Francis Group, London
AM González Serrano , R Rodríguez García , A Romero , J Canivell
CRC Press 539 -544
MJ Lopez-Zambrano , J Canivell , C Calama-Gonzalez
J Canivell
p. 283 -288
F.J. Alejandre & J. Canivell A. Graciani , J.J. Martín , G.M. Mora ,
Rammed Earth Conservation; Rammed Earth Conservation; Taylor & Francis Group: London, UK 345 -350
FJ Blasco-López , J Canivell , A Graciani , JJ Martín-del-Río
Vernacular and Earthen Architecture: Conservation and Sustainability: Proceedings of SosTierra 2017 (Valencia, Spain, 14-16 September 2017) 417 -417
J Canivell , A Graciani
Earthen Architecture: Past, Present and Future-Proceedings of th e International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthe n Architecture, CRC Press/Balkema 67 -73
Amparo Graciani García , Jacinto CANIVELL GARCÍA DE PAREDES
Actas de las II Jornadas de Investigación en Construcción 85 -99
Charles Augarde , Paul Jaquin , Christopher Gerrard , Jacinto Canivell
Terra em seminário 2010: 6º Seminario Arquitectura de terra em portugal : 9º Seminário Ibero-americano de arquitectura e construçao com Terra, 2010, ISBN 9789728479671, págs. 69-73 69 -73
José Antonio Ruiz de la Rosa , Juan Clemente Rodríguez Estévez , Elisa Soler , Jesús Vergara
Re-visión, enfoques en docencia e investigación : actas del IX Congreso Internacional [de] Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 2002, ISBN 84-9749-019-3, págs. 479-486 479 -486
Jacinto Canivell , Amparo Graciani García
Earthen Architecture : past, present and future: proceedings of the International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 september 2014, 2014, ISBN 978-1-13802711-4, págs. 67-74 67 -74
Ana María González Serrano , Jacinto Canivell
Arquitectura vernácula iberoamericana, 2013, ISBN 9788469574560, págs. 158-171 158 -171
Jacinto Canivell
Rammed Earth Conservation. Proceedings of the first International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation: Restapia 2012. Valencia, Spain, 21-23 de june 2012, 2012, ISBN 978-0-415-62125-0, págs. 283-289 283 -289