Roberto González‐IbáñTez , Verónica Proaño‐Ríos , Gary Fuenzalida , Gonzalo Martinez‐Ramirez
association for information science and technology 54 ( 1) 128 -138
Roberto I. González-Ibáñez , Chirag Shah
international conference on supporting group work 317 -318
Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez , Jacqueline Kohler , Esteban Gaete-Flores , Fernanda Estay-Cabello
international conference of the chilean computer science society 1 -8
Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez , Camila Marquez , Daniel Gacitua
international conference of the chilean computer science society 1 -7
Smaranda Muresan , Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez , Debanjan Ghosh , Nina Wacholder
association for information science and technology 67 ( 11) 2725 -2737
Eero Sormunen , Norbert Erdmann , Suzanne CSA Otieno , Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann
Journal of Information Science 49 ( 5) 1246 -1261
Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez
Information Matters 1 ( 7)
Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez
Roberto González‐Ibáñez , Carolina Bonacic , Álvaro Fernández
association for information science and technology 52 ( 1) 100
Roberto González‐Ibáñez , Daniel Gacitúa , Eero Sormunen , Carita Kiili
association for information science and technology 54 ( 1) 687 -689
Roberto González‐Ibáñez , Aileen Esparza‐Villamán , Juan Carlos Vargas‐Godoy , Chirag Shah
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70 ( 11) 1223 -1235
Daniel Gacitúa , Roberto González‐Ibáñez
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 59 ( 1) 690 -692
R González-Ibáñez , S Muresan , N Wacholder
C Shah , R González-Ibáñez
R González-Ibáñez , C Barrera-Pulgar , JL Varela-Otárola
R González-Ibáñez , JL Varela-Otárola , C Barrera-Pulgar
Roberto González-Ibánez , Chirag Shah
Collaboration and Technology: 20th International Conference, CRIWG 2014, Santiago, Chile, September 7-10, 2014. Proceedings 20 153 -168
Roberto I Gonzalez-Ibañez , Chirag Shah
iConference 2015 Proceedings
RI González-Ibáñez , C Shah
Roberto I Gonzalez-Ibanez
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies