Mitja Lustrek , Matjaz Gams , Vedrana Vidulin
artificial intelligence and pattern recognition 515 -520
Vedrana Vidulin
Organizacija 39 ( 2)
Vedrana Vidulin
Informatica (lithuanian Academy of Sciences) 37 ( 3) 355 -356
Tomislav Šmuc , Fran Supek , Maria Brbić , Vedrana Vidulin
4th Workshop on Machine Learning in Life Science 37
Mitja Lustrek , Matjaz Gams , Vedrana Vidulin
J. Lang. Technol. Comput. Linguistics 24 97 -114
Vedrana Vidulin , Matjaz Gams
Applied Artificial Intelligence 25 ( 4) 267 -291
Gjorgji Madjarov , Vedrana Vidulin , Ivica Dimitrovski , Dragi Kocev
intelligent data engineering and automated learning 9 -17
Maria Brbić , Matija Piškorec , Vedrana Vidulin , Anita Kriško
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases 373 -377
Vedrana Vidulin , Sašo Džeroski
discovery science 486 -501
Hafeez Ur Rehman , Qizhong Mao , Shanshan Zhang , Slobodan Vucetic
Genome Biology 20 ( 1) 244 -244
Vedrana Vidulin , Tomislav Šmuc , Fran Supek
Bioinformatics 32 ( 23) 3645 -3653
Vedrana Vidulin , Marko Bohanec , Matjaž Gams
Information Sciences 288 254 -278
Vedrana Vidulin , Mitja Lustrek , Matjaz Gams
computer and information technology 15 ( 4) 305 -311
Maria Brbić , Matija Piškorec , Vedrana Vidulin , Anita Kriško
Nucleic Acids Research 44 ( 21) 10074 -10090
Vedrana Vidulin , Tomislav Šmuc , Sašo Džeroski , Fran Supek
Microbiome 6 ( 1) 1 -21
Gjorgji Madjarov , Vedrana Vidulin , Ivica Dimitrovski , Dragi Kocev
Information Sciences 503 551 -573
Vedrana Vidulin , Mitja Luštrek , Matjaž Gams
1st International Workshop: Towards Genre-Enabled Search Engines: The Impact of Natural Language Processing 45 -51
Vedrana Vidulin , Mitja Luštrek , Matjaž Gams
Information Society. Ljubljana
Georg Rehm , Marina Santini , Alexander Mehler , Pavel Braslavski
Jurica Levatić , Maria Brbić , Tomaž Stepišnik Perdih , Dragi Kocev
New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns: 6th International Workshop, NFMCP 2017, Held in Conjunction with ECML-PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 18-22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers 6 138 -150