A. Vanhove , A. Miller , P.D. & Harms
Journal of Personnel Psychology 20 176 -186
Ted A. Paterson , P.D. Harms , Piers Steel , Marcus Credé
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 23 ( 1) 66 -81
P.D. Harms , Marcus Credé
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 17 ( 1) 5 -17
P.D. Harms , Brent W. Roberts , Dustin Wood
Journal of Research in Personality 41 ( 3) 689 -699
Jessica Wortman , Dustin Wood , R. Michael Furr , Joelle Fanciullo
Journal of Research in Personality 49 ( 1) 31 -46
P.D. Harms , Marcus Credé , Michael Tynan , Matthew Leon
The Leadership Quarterly 28 ( 1) 178 -194
P.D. Harms , Dustin Wood , Karen Landay , Paul B. Lester
Leadership Quarterly 29 ( 1) 105 -122
Sean T. Hannah , Bruce J. Avolio , Fred Luthans , P.D. Harms
Leadership Quarterly 19 ( 6) 669 -692
P.D. Harms , Seth M. Spain , Sean T. Hannah
Leadership Quarterly 22 ( 3) 495 -509
Lisa L. Brady , Marcus Credé , P.D. Harms , Daniel G. Bachrach
Military Psychology 31 ( 6) 450 -461
Dustin Wood , Praveena Penmetsa , Emmanuel Kofi Adanu , Peter J. Rentfrow
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 6 100175
Guohong (Helen) Han , P.D. Harms
International Journal of Conflict Management 21 ( 1) 20 -43
P.D. Harms , Yuntao Bai , Guohong Helen Han
Human Relations 69 ( 9) 1853 -1876
P.D. Harms , Marcus Credé
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3 ( 2) 154 -158
Paul B. Lester , P.D. Harms , Mitchel N. Herian , Walter J. Sowden
The Journal of Positive Psychology 10 ( 1) 7 -16
P.D. Harms , Seth M. Spain
Applied Psychology 64 ( 1) 15 -24
P.D. Harms , Adam Vanhove , Fred Luthans
Applied Psychology 66 ( 1) 78 -102
P.D. Harms , Pankaj C. Patel , Joel B. Carnevale
Journal of Business Research 121 170 -179
Dustin Wood , Seth M. Spain , P.D. Harms
Jun-Yeob Kim , Ning Hsu , Daniel A. Newman , P.D. Harms
Journal of Research in Personality 87 103984