Maxime Guillon , Nigay Laurence , François Leitner
l interaction homme machine 8 -9
Kurata Takeshi , Ishikawa Tomoya , Okuma Takashi , Makita Koji
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 112 ( 221) 49 -54
Kurata Takeshi , Kourogi Masakatsu , Ishikawa Tomoya , Okuma Takashi
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 114 ( 114) 85 -90
Madeleine Arnold , Sandrine Robbe , Bellik Yacine , Eric Brison
Journées Francophones sur l'Ingénierie de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 1996) 105 -121
Philippe Pucheral , Gérôme Canals , Laurence Nigay
Assises Nationales du GdR I3 119 -140
Ioannis Parissis , Laya Madani , Laurence Nigay
iasted conference on software engineering 181 -186
Laurence Nigay , Gregory D. Abowd , Joëlle Coutaz
Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 113 -129
Laurence Nigay , Murray Reed Little
Laurence Nigay , Arno P. J. Gourdol , Joëlle Coutaz , Daniel Salber
Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 271 -284
Laurence Nigay , Jocelyne Troccaz , Benoit Mansoux
Laurence Nigay , David Benyon , Kristina Höök
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science Conference 2
Chaouki Daassi , Laurence Nigay , Marie-Christine Fauvet , Pierre-Claude Scholl
Laurence Nigay , Jocelyne Troccaz , Olivier Chavanon , Emmanuel Dubois
international conference on human-computer interaction 353 -359
Laurence Nigay , Thomas Vincent , Sébastien Pelurson , Valentin Regazzoni
Actes des 9èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (UbiMob 2013)
Laurence Nigay , Koji Makita Aist , J. Fourier , Takeshi Kurata
Laurence Nigay , Laurence Pasqualetti , Jullien Bouchet , Philippe Renevier
Laurence Nigay , Denis Lalanne
IHM '16 28ème conférence francophone sur lInteraction Homme-Machine
Laurence Nigay , Masakatsu Kourogi , Tomoya Ishikawa , Thomas Vincent
international symposium on mixed and augmented reality
Céline Coutrix , Laurence Nigay , William Delamare
designing interactive systems
Laurence Nigay , Thomas Vincent , Takeshi Kurata
Workshop on Classifying the AR Presentation Space at ISMAR 2012