2006 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE 06 1 3 -8
Peter Brusilovsky , Norbert Kommers , Piet , Streitz
1 309 -309
MK Ferguson , Streitz
Friedhart Klix , H. Wandke , N. A. Streitz , Yvonne Waern
Elsevier Science Inc.
N. A. Streitz
The psychology of work and organization: current trends and issues 83 -90
N. A. Streitz , J. Hannemann , M. Thüring
acm conference on hypertext 343 -364
P. Baird , D. Egan , W. Kinch , J. Smith
acm conference on hypertext 397 -398
N A Streitz
seminar of The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) on Man-computer interaction research (MACINTER-I): Proceedings of the first network 21 -33
Peter A. Gloor , Norbert A. Streitz
Norbert A. Streitz
Proceedings of the sixth NEC research symposium on Multimedia computing 95 -112
Jörg M. Haake , Norbert A. Streitz , Andreas Johannsen
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik 40 ( 3) 214 -222
Peter Gorny , Horst Oberquelle , Susanne Maaß , Walter Rupietta
Informatik Spektrum 16 25 -38
Norbert A. Streitz
D-CSCW 253 -254
Carsten Magerkurth , Carsten Röcker , Thorsten Prante , Richard Stenzel
Mensch & Computer 111 -120
Norbert A. Streitz
MHVR '94 Selected papers from the First International Conference on Hypermedia, Multimedia, and Virtual Reality: Models, Systems, and Applications 147 -148
John A. Waterworth , Randall H. Trigg , Norbert A. Streitz , Janet Walker
acm conference on hypertext 354 -361
Norbert A. Streitz
ubiquitous computing 184 -186
Norbert A. Streitz
MHVR '94 Selected papers from the First International Conference on Hypermedia, Multimedia, and Virtual Reality: Models, Systems, and Applications 1 -2
Norbert A. Streitz
Software-Ergonomie '85, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Tagung III/1985 des German Chapter of the ACM 280 -292
Norbert A. Streitz , Jörg Geißler , Michele Gauler
international conference on human-computer interaction 222 -230