Rupert Meese , Shakir Ali , Emily-Clare Thorne , Steve D. Benford
human factors in computing systems 931 -940
Jocelyn Spence , Benjamin Bedwell , Michelle Coleman , Steve Benford
human factors in computing systems 5
Tom Rodden , Terry Hemmings , Boriana Koleva , Karl-Petter Åkesson
6th International Conference on Designing Cooperative Systems 227 -242
Boriana Koleva , Kevin Glover , Steve Benford , Emily Clare Thorn
Steve Benford , Chris Greenhalgh , Andy Crabtree , Martin Flintham
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 20 ( 3) 14
Jan Humble , Andy Crabtree , Terry Hemmings , Karl-Petter Åkesson
ubiquitous computing 256 -263
Boriana Koleva , Steve Benford , Chris Greenhalgh
ECSCW ’99 119 -137
Steve Benford , Andy Crabtree , Martin Flintham , Chris Greenhalgh
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 18 ( 3) 11
Boriana Koleva , Matt Adams , Ian Taylor , Steve Benford
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '01 38 -45
Steve Benford , Boriana Koleva , Anthony Quinn , Emily-Clare Thorn
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 24 ( 4) 26
William Preston , Steve Benford , Emily-Clare Thorn , Boriana Koleva
designing interactive systems 1227 -1237
Kher Hui Ng , Boriana Koleva , Steve Benford
ubiquitous computing 11 ( 3) 145 -155
Sahar Bayoumi , Tony Pridmore , Boriana Koleva
ubiquitous computing 14 ( 4) 335 -345
Lesley Fosh , Steve Benford , Stuart Reeves , Boriana Koleva
human factors in computing systems 149 -158
Boriana Koleva , Peter Tolmie , Patrick Brundell , Steve Benford
annual symposium on computer-human interaction in play 141 -150
Boriana Koleva , Holger Schnädelbach , Steve Benford , Chris Greenhalgh
Proceedings of DARE 2000 on Designing augmented reality environments - DARE '00 155 -156
Amy Dickens , Chris Greenhalgh , Boriana Koleva
audio mostly conference 23
Steve Benford , Chris Greenhalgh , Gail Reynard , Chris Brown
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 5 ( 3) 185 -223
Martin Flintham , Stuart Reeves , Patrick Brundell , Tony Glover
ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark 233 -252
Lesley Fosh , Steve Benford , Stuart Reeves , Boriana Koleva
human factors in computing systems 625 -634