Bernd Gärtner , Taras Galkovskyi , Bogdan Rublev
algorithm engineering and experimentation 74 -84
Monique Teillaud , Iddo Hanniel , Remco Veltkamp , Matthias Bäsken
CGAL Consortium
Ingo Schurr , Bernd Gärtner
symposium on discrete algorithms 749 -757
Bernhard von Stengel , Christoph Ambühl , Bernd Gärtner
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 9 ( 4) 31
Hemant Tyagi , Bernd Gärtner , Andreas Krause
neural information processing systems 27 514 -522
Antonis Thomas , Bernd Gärtner
symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science 341 -353
Jirí Matouek , Bernd Gärtner
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Bernd Gärtner , Walter D Morris , Leo Rüst
CTIT technical reports series 472
Hemant Tyagi , Bernd Gärtner , Andreas Krause , Anastasios Kyrillidis
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 111 -120
Hemant Tyagi , Anastasios Kyrillidis , Bernd Gärtner , Andreas Krause
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 7 ( 2) 183 -249
Kaspar Fischer , Bernd Gärtner , Martin Kutz
european symposium on algorithms 630 -641
Bernd Gärtner
european symposium on algorithms 325 -338
Bernd Gärtner , Walter D. Jr. Morris , Leo Rüst
Algorithmica 51 ( 2) 200 -235
Brian A. Cohn , May Szedlák , Bernd Gärtner , Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 12 62
Ioannis Z. Emiris , Vissarion Fisikopoulos , Bernd Gärtner
Journal of Symbolic Computation 73 139 -152
Bernd Gärtner , Emo Welzl
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 31 160 -169
Bernd Gärtner , Markus Sprecher
Operations Research Letters 40 ( 6) 484 -486
Bernd Gärtner , Ahad N. Zehmakan
Language and Automata Theory and Applications 393 -404
Bernd Gärtner
Random Structures and Algorithms 20 ( 3) 353 -381
Bernd Gärtner , Falk Tschirschnitz , Emo Welzl , József Solymosi
Random Structures and Algorithms 23 ( 4) 453 -471