B Pfa , J Pettit , T Kopenen , K Amdion
HotNets-VIII, New York, NY
Tal Garfinkel , Mendel Rosenblum , Kevin Christopher , Ben Pfaff
usenix security symposium 22 -22
Tal Garfinkel , Mendel Rosenblum , Ben Pfaff
networked systems design and implementation 26 -26
Tal Garfinkel , Mendel Rosenblum , Ben Pfaff
network and distributed system security symposium
Keith Amidon , Andy Zhou , Ben Pfaff , Justin Pettit
networked systems design and implementation 117 -130
Tal Garfinkel , Mendel Rosenblum , Ben Pfaff , Jim Chow
usenix security symposium 22 -22
Igor Ganichev , Scott Shenker , Keith Amidon , Peter Balland
networked systems design and implementation 203 -216
Ben Pfaff , Bruce Davie
RFC 7047 1 -35
Scott Shenker , Ben Pfaff , Justin Pettit , Aurojit Panda
usenix annual technical conference 15 -28
Constantine P. Sapuntzakis , Ramesh Chandra , Ben Pfaff , Jim Chow
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36 ( SI) 377 -390
Hovav Shacham , Matthew Page , Ben Pfaff , Eu-Jin Goh
computer and communications security 298 -307
Justin Pettit , Ben Pfaff , Joe Stringer , Cheng-Chun Tu
Operating Systems Review 52 ( 1) 123 -128
Natasha Gude , Teemu Koponen , Justin Pettit , Ben Pfaff
acm special interest group on data communication 38 ( 3) 105 -110
Tal Garfinkel , Ben Pfaff , Jim Chow , Mendel Rosenblum
symposium on operating systems principles 37 ( 5) 193 -206
Ben Pfaff
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32 ( 1) 410 -411
Ben Pfaff , Anthony Romano , Godmar Back
Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '09 41 ( 1) 453 -457
Tal Garfinkel , Ben Pfaff , Jim Chow , Mendel Rosenblum
Proceedings of the 11th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: beyond the PC - EW11 10
Charles Steinfield , Chyng-Yang Jang , Ben Pfaff
international conference on supporting group work 81 -90
William Tu , Yi-Hung Wei , Gianni Antichi , Ben Pfaff
Smpte Journal 245 -257
Ben Pfaff , B Heller , D Talayco , D Erickson
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 1 -56