Noam BROWN , Dazhi CHENG , Michael J COBLENZ , Zack COKER
Kevin Killourhy , Roy Maxion
recent advances in intrusion detection 256 -276
Shing-hon Lau , Roy Maxion
The {LASER} Workshop: Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results ({LASER} 2014)
Chao Shen , Zhongmin Cai , Xiaohong Guan , Roy Maxion
Computers & Security 45 156 -171
Carla Viegas , Shing-Hon Lau , Roy Maxion , Alexander Hauptmann
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction: Adjunct 7
Carla Viegas , Shing-Hon Lau , Roy Maxion , Alexander Hauptmann
content based multimedia indexing 1 -6
M. Angela Sasse , Clare-Marie Karat , Roy Maxion
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security - SOUPS '09 16
Roy Maxion
dependable systems and networks 1 -1
Perfecto Mariño , Roy Maxion
Microprocessing and Microprogramming 27 757 -764
Roy Maxion
Dependable and Historic Computing 344 -357
Frank Feather , Dan Siewiorek , Roy Maxion
Computer Communication Review
Kevin Killourhy , Roy Maxion
recent advances in intrusion detection 331 -350
Roy Maxion
latin-american symposium on dependable computing 136 -136
Roy Maxion
latin-american symposium on dependable computing 137 -137
Roy Maxion
ieee symposium on security and privacy 18 ( 6) 33 -41
Elisa Bertino , George Cybenko , Dorothy E Denning , Anup K Ghosh
Jack Mostow , Roy Maxion , Jeffrey Cohn
1 -31
Jack Mostow , Roy Maxion , Jeffrey Cohn
Elisa Bertino , Michael A Caloyannides , Northrop Grumman , Ramaswamy Chandramouli
Miguel Correia , Raimundo Macedo , Michael Paulitsch , Christian Prehofer