W. Schmid , S. Schmidt , L. Wiegrebe , K. Krumbholz
Tagungsband DAGA 96 332 -333
H. J. Gilbert , T. M. Shackleton , K. Krumbholz , A. R. Palmer
The Journal of Neuroscience 35 ( 1) 209 -220
P. M. Briley , C. Breakey , K. Krumbholz
Cerebral Cortex 23 ( 11) 2601 -2610
A. Seither-Preisler , K. Krumbholz , B. Lütkenhöner
Audiology and Neuro-otology 8 ( 6) 322 -337
A. Seither-Preisler , K. Krumbholz , R. Patterson , S. Seither
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 ( 11) 3073 -3080
B. Lütkenhöner , K. Krumbholz , C. Lammertmann , A. Seither-Preisler
NeuroImage 18 ( 1) 58 -66
A. Seither-Preisler , Roy D. Patterson , K. Krumbholz , S. Seither
Hearing Research 218 ( 1-2) 50 -63
Krumbholz K.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3
Krumbholz K.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3
Psychophysics 85 -88
Katrin Krumbholz , Nicholas R. Clark
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research 1 141 -146
Katrin Krumbholz , Barrie A. Edmonds , Nicholas R. Clark
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research 2 175 -180
Katrin Krumbholz , Paul Briley , Jessica de Boer
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research 4 89 -100
David A. Magezi , Katrin Krumbholz
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 ( 5) 3095 -3107
Paul M. Briley , Katrin Krumbholz
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 ( 5) 3717 -3717
Katrin Krumbholz , Sabine Schmidt
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 ( 2) 898 -911
Lutz Wiegrebe , Katrin Krumbholz
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 ( 5) 2746 -2756
Marc Schönwiesner , Peter Dechent , Dirk Voit , Christopher I. Petkov
Cerebral Cortex 25 ( 10) 3278 -3289
Julien Besle , Olivier Mougin , Rosa-María Sánchez-Panchuelo , Cornelis Lanting
Cerebral Cortex 29 ( 1) 410 -428
Dave R.M. Langers , Katrin Krumbholz , Richard W. Bowtell , Deborah A. Hall
NeuroImage 100 650 -662