Proceedings of the MWNS 2008 Workshop 39 -53
O Heen
Rapport LITP 57
Christophe Bidan , Jean-Pierre Andreaux , Nicolas Prigent , Olivier Heen
Charles Salmon-Legagneur , Michel Morvan , Olivier Heen
Aurelien Francillon , Clementine Maurice , Christoph Neumann , Stephane Onno
international conference on security and cryptography 379 -386
Yves Maetz , Charles Salmon-Legagneur , Nicolas Prigent , Yan-Mei Tang-Talpin
Christoph Neumann , Stephane Onno , Benjamin Plane , Olivier Heen
Stephane Onno , Christophe Neumann , Nina Anne Taft , Olivier Heen
Gilles Guette , Olivier Heen
vehicular networking conference 1 -7
Nicolas Prigent , Christophe Bidan , Jean-Pierre Andreaux , Olivier Heen
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security of ad hoc and sensor networks - SASN '03 115 -124
Christoph Neumann , Olivier Heen , Stephane Onno
international conference on distributed computing systems workshops 593 -602
Olivier Heen
Theoretical Computer Science 188 ( 1-2) 45 -57
Stephane Onno , Christoph Neumann , Olivier Heen
international conference on consumer electronics 98 -99
Olivier Heen , Jean-Pierre Andreaux , Nicolas Prigent
information security conference 381 -394
Yves Maetz , Stéphane Onno , Olivier Heen
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security - SOUPS '09 27
Stephane Onno , Raphael Gelloz , Olivier Heen , Christoph Neumann
2012 IEEE Second International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) 218 -220
Olivier Heen , Gilles Guette , Thomas Genet
workshop in information security theory and practice 5746 1 -11
Olivier Heen
parallel computing 23 ( 11) 1663 -1671
Clémentine Maurice , Christoph Neumann , Olivier Heen , Aurélien Francillon
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 119 -135
Olivier Heen , Christoph Neumann , Luis Montalvo , Serge Defrance
new technologies, mobility and security 1 -5